- financial intermediation ratio 金融中介比率
- Diversity also enhances efficiency in financial intermediation and promotes economic growth and development. 金融中介渠道的多元化发展,亦可促进金融中介活动的效率,有利经济增长及发展。
- Equally convincing arguments apply to the equity and debt channels of financial intermediation. 同时具说服力的论点亦适用于股票及债券金融中介渠道。
- He said that the diversity of financial intermediation channels is essential to the maintenance of financial stability. 他指出金融中介渠道多元化,是维系金融稳定的必要条件。
- The HK dollar interbank market plays a central role in the financial intermediation process. 港元银行同业市场在金融中介过程中扮演主要角色。
- Evolution of financial intermediation are theoretically explained along three dews. 对金融中介演变规律的理论解释是基于三条线索展开的。
- Merton,R .A Functional Perspective of Financial Intermediation [J]. Financial Management . 1995 . Vol . 24 : 23-41 . 蒋海;刘少波.;金融监管理论及其新发展[J]
- With the development of global economy, the reforming of international financial intermediation changes very rapidly. 摘要随著经济全球化的发展,国际金融业的重组愈演愈烈。
- F.Allen,A.M.Santomero . The Theory of Financial Intermediation [J] . Journal of Banking and Finance . 1997 . 周立.;金融发展促进经济增长的理论综述[J]
- However, as outside investor, the interestof financial intermediation is violated by inside manager. 而金融中介作为外部投资者,其投资权益受到了企业内部经营者的侵害。
- Facilitated by modern information technology, financial intermediation, apart from retail banking, need not be organised on location. 在现代资讯科技的协助下,除了零售银行业之外,金融中介活动并没有地域上的限制。
- Moreover, legal statutes and regulatory examination methodologies did not develop in step with the increasing complexity of financial intermediation. 国内金融体系的高速扩张使当局的监督能力面临严峻考验。
- It is through IPOs that the important process of financial intermediation, which promotes economic growth and development, takes place. 透过首次发售新股,金融中介这个重要的过程便可进行,藉此促进经济增长及发展。
- Diversification can also promote financial stability through reducing the over-dependence of financial intermediation upon one particular channel. 透过多元化发展,我们亦可减低对某一特定金融中介渠道的过度倚赖,从而促进金融稳定。
- Second issue is, more specifically, the need for diversification in the financial intermediation channels through the development of the debt market. 第二项比较具体,就是需要透过发展债务市场,令金融中介渠道多元化。
- But a useful step might be to build a strong network of financial infrastructures to facilitate more effective financial intermediation in the region. 不过,我们最少可以在亚洲区建立大而稳固的金融基建设施网络,使区内的金融中介机制更有效地运作。
- H . Leland,D . Pyle . Informational Asymmetries Financial Structrure and Financial Intermediation [J] . Journal of Finance . 1977 . 蒂米奇.;威塔斯:;上海财经大学出版社2000年7月第1版;第61页
- Exporters want to get the goods shipped before the bank’s financial intermediation, post-shipment loans can be guaranteed. 出口商则希望在货物出运以前能得到银行的资金融通,出运后能保证得到货款。
- In fact use of the term "beneficiaries" and repeated failure to recover loans actually damages prospects for the sustainable development of viable rural financial intermediation. 事实上,"受益者"这个词的使用,以及贷款多次不能收回实际上伤害了可行性农村金融媒介可持续发展的前景。
- Where some form of financial system exists for facilitating the important process of financial intermediation, it is usually a system that suffers from a preponderance of banks. 即使有某种形式的金融系统协助进行金融中介活动,但通常主要由银行包办。