- Their financial environment has undergone a drastic change. 他们的财政状况发生着巨大变化。
- Financial engineering should be introduced in certain economic and financial environment can be fully used. 金融工程的实施必须在一定的经济金融环境中才能得到充分运用。
- They are, indeed, as anxious as I am to preserve a stable and prosperous financial environment in Hong Kong. 事实上,内地官员与我同样紧,要确保香港的金融环境继续维持稳定与繁荣。
- Since Bretton Woods System collapsed in 1970s, international economic and financial environment has changed greatly. 20世纪70年代“布雷顿森林体系”崩溃以后,国际经济金融环境发生了重大的变化。
- TSG believes that the changes in the financial environment will bring down prices rising momentum. 张学武认为,金融环境的变化将带来房价上涨势头放缓。
- Clarence think, first of all, changes in the financial environment will bring down prices rising momentum. 张学武认为,首先,金融环境的变化将带来房价上涨势头放缓。
- Peabody has the finest, state of the art facilities and operates in a secure financial environment. 皮伯蒂学院提供最好,最先进的艺术设施。学院的财务状况完好。
- We need a stable monetary and financial environment to facilitate the resolution of the problems that Hong Kong is now facing. 我们需要稳定的货币与金融环境,才能更有效解决香港目前面对的问题。
- A change of the financial environment will stimulate a search by financial institutions for innovations that are likely to be profitable. 经济环境的变化将刺激人们去寻求可能有利可图的创新。
- M.M.G.Fase,R.C.N.Abma,2003:"Financial environment and economic growth in selected Asian countries.".Journal of Asian Economics.14,11-21. 对内金融自由化:利率市场化、中央银行的独立性、国有银行的私有化、取消定向贷款等.
- The rest of the non-financial sector of the economy is going to have to survive in a less forgiving financial environment. 而经济体中其余的非金融行业将需要在一个相对不太宽容的金融环境中生存。
- This position will enable the HKMA to focus on broader strategic planning and risk management in an increasingly complex and unpredictable financial environment. 设立这个职位后,金管局将可致力于更广泛的策略性规划及风险管理,以能应付愈趋复杂及变化不定的金融环境。
- Flexibility of business financial system is the capability of dealing with the uncertainties deriving from the financial environment rapidly and economically, anytime, anywhere. 企业理财系统柔性就是快速而经济地处理企业理财活动中环境变化或由环境引起的时时、处处不确定性的能力。
- In the financial environment of risk, the commercial bank could be safe to run steadily and there is great influence on the development of the whole economy. 在风险金融环境中,商业银行能否安全稳定地运行对于整个经济的发展有着重要的影响。因此,对商业银行的风险监管是各国政府都十分关注的重大问题。
- Financial environment is a country in a financial system, the impact of downgrading the main activities of the various financial elements of the collection. 金融环境是指一个国家在一定的金融体制下,影响降级主体活动的各种金融要素的集合。
- To introduce the international financial environments, the financial decisions and risk management of MNCs. 介绍国际金融环境,多国籍企业财务决策及风险管理。
- Clarence in an interview with Xinhua on the 24th said that the impact of price changes in the real estate market in 2005 the main factors financial environment, land policy aspects. 张学武在24日接受新华社记者采访时说,影响2005年房地产市场价格变化的主要因素有金融环境、土地政策等几个方面。
- The central bank, such a stable monetary and financial environment of core inflation is to control the level of sustainability, eliminate inflation due to the vicious economic fluctuations. 对于央行来说,这种平稳的货币金融环境的核心就是把通胀控制在可承受水平,杜绝由于恶性通胀带来的经济大起大落。
- R . C . Merton,Z . Bodie . A conceptual framework for analyzing the financial environment in The Global Financial System : A Functional Perspective [J] . Harvard Business School Press . 1995 . 蒂米奇.;威塔斯
- He has a lot of financial worries at the moment. 他现在有很多财务上的烦恼事。