- Cause and Control Measure of Floating Sludge in Final Settling Basin 二沉池漂泥原因及控制措施
- Keywords final settling basin;density current;densimetric Frode number; 二沉池;异重流;密度费汝德数;
- final settling basin 最终沉淀池
- She went the vole and finally settled on teaching. 她一次又一次地变换职业,最后选定了教书。
- By this method of treatment the wastes are stored in a settling basin for the proper removal of solids. 当用这种处理方法时,废水需先在沉淀池里停留。
- Mildred Lake, meanwhile, is now dwarfed by its neighbor, the Mildred Lake Settling Basin, a four-square-mile lake of toxic mine tailings. 跟隔壁占地十平方公里、充满毒矿渣的密尔德勒湖尾矿池相比,现在密尔德勒湖相形见绌。
- Based on the geological and geophysical datum, we considered that the Menozoic-Cenozoic basin-prototype of Chaidamu basin was the down-warped settling basin. 柴达木盆地中新生代沉降拗陷的原型盆地类型为压陷型沉降盆地。
- They finally settled on the terms of the agreement. 他们最终商定了协定的条款。
- The family finally settled in South America. 这家人最后在南美定居下来。
- Their dispute has not finally settled yet. 他们间的争端尚未最终解决。
- Reuter was born a German, but he finally settled in London and became an English man. 路透出身是德国人,但最后在伦敦定居成为英国人。
- multi compartment settling basin 多槽式沉淀池
- We finally settled on a solution to the problem. 我们最终决定了对此问题的解决方法。
- The matter was finally settled under the rose. 这件事最终被秘密地解决了。
- The matter was finally settled under the table. 事情终于私下解决了。
- Calculating sketch of settling basin 沉沙池计算域示意图
- They finally settled on the Blue curtains. 他们终于决定用蓝色的窗帘。
- We finally settled down in Harbin. 我们最后在哈尔滨定居下来。
- We finally settled the argument. 我们最后平息了争论。
- Operation and Management of Tube Ash Settling Basin 斜管沉灰池的运行管理