- film title with music 电影插曲字幕
- His victory was celebrated with music and dancing. 以音乐和舞蹈庆祝他的胜利。
- I like to entertain friends with music and refreshments at home. 我喜欢在家里用音乐和茶点招待朋友。
- What title with the position have? 这个职务的头衔是什么?
- Tiddler and flowered complete subject film title tune absolute music downloading! 小鱼儿与花无缺主题片头曲纯音乐下载!
- They tried to edify the child with music. 他们试图用音乐陶冶这孩子。
- She beguiled her sorrow with music. 她借音乐来排遣内心的忧伤。
- John has contested this title with Sam for five years. 约翰已经和萨姆争这个冠军已经五年了。
- I saw him mix up with music and light. 我看见他沐浴在音乐和灯光之中。
- Refine good action and show it out with music. 提炼出好的动作,并随音乐来盖房子。
- In the mornings they beguiled the sun with music. 天天早晨,他们用音乐来取悦太阳。
- Filling the air with music wild and sweet. 空间充满了甜美潦亮的乐音。
- And I can amuse myself with music and books. 乐琴书以消忧。
- A fine film title can be remembered by generations along with the film itself, while an inferior one may write off an excellent film. 精彩的电影译名能和电影一起世代相传,而有缺陷的译名则完全可以抹杀一部电影本身的精彩。
- I'm interested in anything to do with music. 凡与音乐有关的事我都感兴趣。
- He recreates himself with music. 他用音乐来消遣。
- Through the mainline translation of film title in Oscar Awards, this paper aims at talking a-bout the application of Chinese Four-character Structure in translation. 本文以奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片的片名翻译为主线,旨在讨论翻译中汉语四字格的运用。
- The city pulsed with with music and excitement. 这个城市在美好和刺激中搏动。
- His singing was out of time with music. 他的演唱与音乐不合拍。
- I usually solace myself with music. 我通常用音乐抚慰自己。