- film projective objective 电影放映物镜
- Good concept art design is a successful sill of the Game and film project. 概念艺术设计是艺术创作的灵魂,概念设计的灵魂在于创新性和人性化;概念艺术设计是一个创造性设计的过程.
- The end of a pointed or projecting object. 尖端一个带尖或突起的物体的末端
- Mike/as Alligator: And I want this guy here to get an A on this film project. 迈克:同时我还非常希望你的电影成绩能够的个A。
- Right-click the Analysis Services project object and then click Properties. 右键单击Analysis Services项目对象,再单击“属性”。
- Returns the Project object associated with the specified project file. 返回与指定的项目文件关联的。
- What do you look for in a script in terms of the role or the storyline when you're considering a film project? 这段是问发哥在找剧本的时候是注重在角色还是故事情节上?
- The projective object of compulsory indecent crime is the victim's right of female's sexual freedom. 强制猥亵、辱妇女罪侵犯的是单一客体,即妇女的性自由权利。
- News of a second British film project to chronicle the life of Callas came in the summer. 另一部讲述卡拉斯生平的英国电影是在今年夏天传出消息的。
- Submit the coding program of project objective structure by chart to the Buyer for verification. 图表展示卖方对项目目标结构代码的编码方案,并提交给买方确认。
- To understnand the project objective, ask yourself, "Wht will happen if the proposal or project is successful? 为了理解项目目标,问问你自己,“如果建议或项目成功了,将会怎样?”
- When I get the GIO's mail and said that my short film project gets a million Taiwan dollars, that was just like a dream comes true. 当我接到新闻局的通知,说我得到了百万短片辅导金时,突然之间,恍若美梦成真。
- The project objective is to facilitate land acquisition in the framework of a rural enterprise development by single rural poor families or in groups. 该项目的目标是,在乡村企业发展框架下,促进单个乡村贫穷家庭或其团体获得土地。
- First, it creates a file object from the build file and then creates a new Project object. 首先,它从构建文件创建一个文件对象,然后创建一个新的Project对象。
- A judge is likely to sign off tomorrow on a film project featuring the singer's final rehearsals and preparations for a series of comeback concerts in London. 法官很可能明天会签署一个电影项目包括歌手的最后彩排,以及一系列在伦敦举行的复出演唱会的预备。
- Film projection teams show both features and scientific educational films. 放映队既放映故事片,也放映科教片。
- Maven combines a project object model with a powerful XML scripting language to provide such a tool. Maven将项目对象模型与功能强大的XML脚本编制语言相结合,为我们提供了这样的工具。
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- If the Globals object is associated with a Project object, then the value persists in the project file (. Dsp,. Vbp, and so on). 如果Globals对象与Project对象关联;则值保持在项目文件(.;dsp、
- We can watch films projected onto large white screens. 我们能够看投射在大白屏幕上的电影。