- The plaintiff, if not satisfied with the order, may file an appeal. 原告对裁定不服的,可以提起上诉。
- The judge granted the condemned man a respite to enable his attorneys to file an appeal. 法官同意缓期执行, 以便这个犯人的律师提出上诉。
- "Typically, students do file an appeal on an honor code violation," Hemmerich said. 中国学生的抵赖行为迫使教授把平时的作业也调出来,发现了更多的作弊证据。
- The judgment and order made by the maritime court on an action for affirming rights shall be legally effective, the parties shall not file an appeal. 海事法院对确权诉讼作出的判决、裁定具有法律效力,当事人不得提起上诉。
- The third party without independent claims on which the people's court imposes civil liability shall be entitled to file an appeal. 人民法院判决承担民事责任的无独立请求权的第三人,有权提起上诉。
- Lawyers for former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic face a deadline Friday to file an appeal against his extradition to the Hague tribunal to face war crimes charges. 前波黑塞族领导人卡拉季奇的律师必须在星期五截止之前,拟好有关反对将卡拉季奇引渡到海牙前南刑庭接受战争犯罪的指控的文件。
- To lodge claim, to defense, to raise an objection of the court, to compromise, to file a counterclaim, to file an appeal, to admit, waive or modify claims. 提起、变更、放弃诉讼请求,提出抗辨,提出管辖异议,进行调解,提起反诉、上诉。
- In order to fetch down his penalty,his lawyer has filed an appeal to the Supreme Court. 为了给他减刑,他的律师已向最高法院提出上诉。
- The time limit for filing an appeal and the appellate court with which the appeal may be filed. 上诉期间和上诉的法院。
- In order to fetch down his penalty, his lawyer has filed an appeal to the Supreme Court. 为了给他减刑,他的律师已向最高法院提出上诉。
- Where the parties are not satisfied with an order, they may file an appeal within seven days from the date of the receipt of the order. 当事人对裁定不服的,可以在收到裁定书之日起七日内提起上诉。
- Prosecutors in Pakistan have filed an appeal demanding the death penalty for former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. 巴基斯坦公诉人日前递交申请,要求判处前总理谢里夫死刑。
- "The team has filed an appeal within the proscribed time period," the Cologne based team announced in a statement. "小组已提出上诉的时间内被禁止的,“科隆车队在一份声明中宣布.
- With the assistance of Kim Neale, the student advocate of Ryerson University Dong filed an appeal against the decision. 董林在瑞尔森大学代理学生权益的KimNeale的协助下,就学校的决定提出上诉。
- His attorney has filed an appeal asking that he be freed until the sentencing hearing. 麦道夫的股票提出上诉,要求在[宣判庭审之前保释。
- He declined to file an appeal. 王工作本人不打算上诉。
- Where the litigant representative acts to recognize, abandon or alter the litigant request, lodge a counter-charge or file an appeal, he must have the special authorization of the represented. 诉讼代理人代为承认、放弃、变更诉讼请求,进行和解,提起反诉或者上诉,必须有委托人的特别授权。
- Lawsuit false pretence is the actions of that actor make use of the improper judgments to cheat biggish amount of public or private property by the artifice of file an appeal and for the unlawful purpose of occupancy. 诉讼诈骗是指行为人以非法占有他人财物为目的,以提起民事诉讼为手段,利用法院的错误判决,骗取数额较大的公私财物的行为。
- Finally she had to file an action for divorce. 最后她只好提出离婚诉讼。
- China filed an appeal against a ruling by the WTO that calls for the country to lift restrictions against American books, films and music. WTO裁定中国取消其对美国图书、电影及音乐的贸易管制,中国就此提出申诉。