- Damage to or loss of reputation. 名誉不好,声名狼籍
- Pay attention to the fight of fovea and fear. 集中注意力去对抗心里的恐惧。时时注意要懂得害怕。
- This is the fight of the kingdom of the mind. 这是思想领域的斗争。
- It was the hardest fight of Kraus's life. 正如谚语说的,有一步就会有下一步。
- fight of reputation 名誉权
- Oh no, not me, I'm a man of repute. 不,我不要,我可是个正派人。
- Those speaking evil of me infringe on my right of reputation. 那些说我坏话的人是在侵害我的名誉权!
- There are two fights of stairs to the bedroom. 通向卧室的楼梯有两段。
- He made too much of reputation, and moral integrity all his life. 他这个人一生对名节都非常看重。
- The fistic meeting has all the makings of fight of the year. 从各方面来看,这场拳击的盛会将成为今年的“年度之战”。
- My grandpa may be a man of reputation,but he is definitely a man of honor. 我的祖父也许是个默默无 闻的人;但他绝对是个正 直的人.
- And this one might be the most enjoyable fight of his entire career. 这一次也许是他一生事业中最最适意的一博。
- This short story was published by two journals of repute. 这篇短篇小说由两种著名的杂志刊出。
- The law punishes people who invade the fights of others. 法律惩罚侵犯他人权利的人。
- The new law will secure the civil fights of the mentally iii. 这一新法规可保障精神病患者享有公民权。
- Attacked by a combination of rivals, Brander was given the fight of his life. 议会里有一群劲敌联合起来攻击他,使他经历一次生平未有的苦战。
- His failures did his reputation a lot of harm. 他屡次失败使他的声誉受到很大损害。
- The first furious love fight of a handsome Casanova has now begin... 凭借著一张帅脸儿玩世不恭的花心浪子第一次陷入了激烈的爱情竞争...
- No other cruiserweight in the world carries the kind of reputation that Rey Mysterio does. 瑞?密斯特里欧(以下简称瑞)在次重量级摔角界所得到的荣誉是无人能比的。
- Honorary and emeritus Professor Lucas mathematics is title of a kind of reputation. 荣誉退休卢卡斯数学教授是一种名誉称号。