- Fiery sunset over the Ogilvie Mountains. 标题: Ogilvie Mountains; Yukon Territory; Canada.
- Boys cavort with horses during a fiery sunset on a beach in Timor Indonesia. 意译:热带的目的地图片。男孩子们腾跃和马群当一个炽热的日落在印尼帝汶岛海滩。
- She gave vent to her indignation in a fiery speech. 她在一篇激烈的演说中发泄怒气。
- A sunset like this shifts its tints every moment. 这样的晚霞颜色是不断变换的。
- A red sunset signifies fine weather. 红红的晚霞是晴天的预兆。
- The radiance of the sunset died away. 夕阳的余辉渐渐地消失了。
- No one dare to offend the fiery person. 没人敢惹这个脾气急躁的人。
- The fight broke off shortly after sunset. 战斗在太阳落山后不久突然停止了。
- A person of hot blood and fiery temper. 性情易怒,脾气暴躁的人
- The politician gave a fiery speech. 那政客作了一次激昂的演讲。
- The changing vivid colours of the sunset fascinated the eye. 日落时变化多端的色彩使人看得入迷。
- He is now in the sunset of his day. 他已步入晚年。
- It is seen in the sky after sunset. 日落後可在天空中看到它。
- The old man sat watching the sunset. 老人坐看日落。
- I was fascinated by the glory of the sunset. 落日的壮观把我吸引住了。
- A sunset like this shifted its tints every moment. 像这样的日落时时刻刻在改变着色彩。
- By sunset we had covered thirty miles. 到日落的时候,我们已走了三十英里。
- We reached (the) harbour at sunset. 日落时我们抵达了港口。
- The picture portrays a beautiful sunset. 这幅画描绘了落日美景。
- The sunset has tinted the sky with pink. 落日把天空染成了粉红色。