- fieri facias [拉][律]强制执行命令; 扣押债务人动产令(略作fi.;fa
- V.Domine, non secundum peccata nostra facias nobis. 天主,勿据我罪,以施我等。
- Ergonomic and neat facia - rear seats slightly higher than the front ones . 人体工学和整洁招牌-后座略高于前排的。
- This magnificent work of engineering prowess sports a Martini racing facia. 这一宏伟工程的工作能力体育1马提尼赛车招牌。
- Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora. Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem. 往往,科学只是给予我们一种自然科学所能触及到的理论,而不是否认。
- Hard structures under the facia were hazardous to the driver's knees, and the brake pedal was hazardous to the feet. 仪表盘下方的坚硬结构对驾驶员的膝盖是危险的,刹车踏板对脚也是危险的。
- Nearby a century old restaurant with the facia Zhu Hongxing permeates with antique flavor. 百年老店朱鸿兴古色古香,并提供客房送餐服务。
- Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate. Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora. Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem. 往往,科学只是给予我们一种自然科学所能触及到的理论,而不是否认。
- The interior is updated with a revised instrument pack placed in front of the driver and a new top roll to the facia. 内饰经过更新,驾驶座前有修改过的工具箱,还有全新顶级的转速表。
- Two cases were repaired with tensor facia latae, 3 with mucosoperichondrium of nasal septum and EC otocerebral glue and 1 with TJ bone cement. 修补采用额肌瓣2例,阔筋膜和肌肉一例,ec耳胶和鼻中隔粘骨膜3例,TJ骨水泥1例。
- The interior with its distinctive facia style and striking light blue colourway owes much to input from the Conran design consultancy. 内饰的独特风格和突出的浅蓝色很大程度上归功于设计顾问Conran。
- Starting from a facia, pattern, Nie Ganyin presents the reflection of his soul through deconstruction more than just facial painting. 在他的静物画中构成也异常独特,一是他所画的物件体积大小差异不悬殊。
- Quod pertinaciter studes et omnibus omissis hoc unum agis, ut te meliorem cotidie facias, et probo et gaudeo, nec tantum hortor ut perseveres sed etiam rogo. 看到你不断的学习,以及专心努力使自己变得更好,我很赞赏并且很高兴,不仅支持你而且恳求你继续下去。
- Externally, there is a new front end treatment with new front lights while internally, a new facia allows the installation of driver and passenger airbags. 外形方面有全新的车头及车灯设计,内部在司机与乘客的位置安装了安全气囊。
- The interior trim is removed with the exception of the facia moulding, which is re-trimmed in Alcantara, and the console and door casings are replaced by new lightweight mouldings. 在内饰与被删除的仪表板,铸造,这是例外重新在阿尔坎塔拉修剪和控制台和门外壳由新型轻质塑取代。
- Keywords Nd:YAG laser;continuous wave;facia nerve s injury; 关键词YAG激光;连续式;面神经热损伤;
- Keywords Three dimensional Facia soft tissue Reconstruction Digital; 面部软组织;三维重建;立体摄影;
- 3. Interrogatio partium fieri a iudice potest in quovis stadio iudicii ante conclusionem in causa;post conclusionem in causa servetur praescriptum can.1861. 法官可以在结案前的审理的任何阶段讯问当事人。在结案后,应遵守第1861条教规规定的诉讼时效。
- Illud autem te admoneo, ne eorum more qui non proficere sed conspici cupiunt facias aliqua quae in habitu tuo aut genere vitae notabilia sint; 我要友情提醒你,有的人是在渴求别人注意,不是自己上进,而是做那些能引起别人注意自己的事情。
- Fierin. 费里(在阿尔巴尼亚;东经 19º36' 北纬 40º4')