- He died in the last ditch in a fierce battle. 他在一次激战中奋战而死。
- After a fierce battle the enemy was forced to retreat. 激战之後,敌人被迫撤退了。
- The soldiers got ready for a fierce battle. 战士们准备进行一场恶战。
- Three officers had a narrow escape in the fierce battle. 有三名军官在这次殊死的战斗中幸免于难。
- A fierce battle is raging between the two countries. 这两个国家正在进行一场激战。
- After a fierce battle the enemy is force to retreat. 激战之後,敌人被迫撤退了。
- After a fierce battle,the enemy was forced to withdraw. 经过一场激烈的战斗,敌人被迫撤退了。
- We'll fight a fierce battle in the campaign against piracy. 我们要打一场打击盗版的大战。
- After a fierce battle, a new boxing champion emerged. 经过一番恶斗,拳坛又诞生了新拳王。
- We're fighting a fierce battle in the Shah-i-kot Mountains, and we're winning. 我们正在阿富汗沙伊赫考特山区进行激战,并正在赢得胜利。
- After a fierce battle, the troops subdued these rebels in the forest. 经过一番激战,军队制服了山林里的那些叛匪。
- Many fierce battles were fought outside of the gates. 很多激烈的战斗是在城门外展开的。
- After a fierce battle,lions will feast until full -- sometimes eating up to 75 pounds of meat at one meal. 一场激烈的搏斗后,狮子会饱餐一顿,有时一顿就吃下多达75磅肉。
- The two parties had engaged in fierce battle for so long that both of them suffered heavy casualties. 双方鏖战已久,均伤亡惨重。
- But the flight is just as much an event in Airbus's fierce battle for supremacy with Boeing, its US rival. 但在空客与其美国竞争对手波音公司争夺飞机市场霸主地位的激烈战斗中,这次试飞同样是件大事。
- In 1177 the capital of Angkor was seized after a fierce battle and fell into ruins. 在1177年,经过一场激烈的战斗之后,吴哥的都城沦陷了,变成了一片废墟。
- After a fierce battle, lions will feast until full -- sometimes eating up to 75 pounds of meat at one meal. 一场激烈的搏斗后,狮子会饱餐一顿,有时一顿就吃下多达75磅肉。
- In 1177 the capital city of Angkor was seized after a fierce battle and fell into ruins. 1177年,经过一场激烈的战争之后,都城吴哥沦陷了,成了一片废墟。
- In a fierce battle, the captain suddenly found an enemy aircraft dive down to the position. 在一场激烈的战斗中,上尉忽然发现一架敌机向阵地俯冲下来。
- However, in a fierce battle, Gao Yingxiang was seriously injured and then killed by the enemy. 然而,在激烈的战斗中,高迎身受重伤,然后杀死敌人。