- fieldbus control pilot plant 现场总线实验系统
- SHCAN2000 is a CAN fieldbus control system. SHCAN2000是基于CAN总线开发的分布式现场总线控制系统。
- CMG has been produced on a pilot plant scale. 讨论了CMG-1用于牛皮纸生产的工艺条件。
- The essay elaborates on the evaluation principle of fieldbus control system. 笔者就如何评价现场总线控制系统提出一些原则供读者讨论参考。
- Fancy Yarn Pilot Plant Zhejiang Lida Modern Textile Co., Ltd. 花式纱线开发基地浙江力达现代纺织有限公司。
- Gray Sewing Thread Pilot Plant Jiangxi Xinyu Textile Co., Ltd. 缝纫坯线开发基地江西新余纺织有限责任公司。
- The fieldbus control system was designed based on transducer,long-distance I/O ADAM 4000 module,and KingView6.0,which combines the thermoelectricity factory of fuel plant control and gets over the problem existent in the fuel pump system. 结合热电厂燃料车间集控 ,针对油库燃油泵系统存在的问题 ,提出设计基于变频器、远程I/O模块ADAM4 0 0 0+组态王 6 0 3组建现场总线控制系统 ,并给出完整的解决方案
- Cottn Textiles Pilot Plant Shandong Demian Group Co., Ltd. 棉纺织产品开发基地山东德棉集团有限公司。
- Hemp Textiles Pilot Plant Shanxi Greenland Textile Co., Ltd. 大麻纺织产品开发基地山西绿洲纺织有限责任公司。
- There are more and more applications of LONWORKS technology in Fieldbus control system. LonWorks现场总线技术在过程控制中的应用越来越多。
- The structure of computer control system in a solvent deasphalt pilot plant,the configuration,design of control scheme and realized function of every part are introduced. 介绍了溶剂脱沥青试验装置计算机控制系统的结构、各部分的组态、控制方案的设计及实现的功能。
- Meantime the principles and the structures of the fieldbus control system and some differences from DCS are analysed by this paper. 同时对现场总线控制系统 (FCS)结构、原理进行了简要分析并与分布式控制系统 (DCS)进行了对比。
- Smart sensors are basic units in the fieldbus control system, and their performances are most important for the whole control system. 智能传感器是现场总线控制系统中最基本的结构单元,智能传感器的正常工作对整个控制系统至关重要。
- High-Count Worsted Textiles Pilot Plant ShanDong NanShan Industry Co., Ltd. 高支纯毛产品开发基地山东南山实业股份有限公司。
- Having replaced DCS (Distributed Control System), FCS (Fieldbus Control System) has become the tendency of automation technology. 现场总线控制系统(FCS)取代分散控制系统(DCS)已经成为自动化技术的发展趋势。
- Now, fieldbus technology is the hotspot in control area;fieldbus control system (FCS) will result in a tremendous revolution. 现场总线技术是当今控制领域的热点,基于现场总线技术的控制系统将导致自动化系统结构与设备的深刻变革。
- Silk Textiles Pilot Plant Zhenjiang Xinchang High Fashion Silk Co., Ltd. 丝绸产品开发基地浙江新昌达利发丝绸有限公司。
- It introduces design means of PROFIBUS-PA fieldbus control system, and provides hardware and software based on bus system. 本文介绍了PROFIBUS-PA现场总线的控制系统设计方法,给出了其硬件及软件实现。
- Woolen Textiles Pilot Plant Shandong Tianxiang Wool Textile Co., Ltd. 粗毛纺织产品开发基地山东天香毛纺织有限公司。
- The choosing principle, application area of fieldbus control system and some considerations when selecting a fleldbus control system are described. 论述现场总线控制系统的选择原则,应用范围和选择现场总线控制系统时应注意的一些问题。