- Field level validation is related to field type and allowed values. 字段级验证和字段类型与允许的值联系在一起。
- Consult your extension worker about the simple equipment and chemicals you need to make rennet. 你还可以向技术人员咨询如何提取凝乳酶,以及相关的简单设备和化学试剂。
- Obviously, some level of organizational control is lost because "control" now occurs at the field level between the physician and the paramedic. 明显地,机构中某些层次的控制失去了,因为“控制”现在发生在医生和护理人员之间领域。
- Is that Henan province welfare lottery and sports lotteries add the award quota to field level city be taller than most a number? 您的位置:凡人谷知道>娱乐休闲>博彩>河南省福利彩票和体育彩票在地级市最高兑奖限额是多少?
- In this spirit, then we deduced the effective quark-quark interaction with confinement terms and the vacuum condensate at the mean field level in the framework of GCM. 本着这种精神,我们推出了具有囚禁特点的等效的夸克-夸克相互作用势,并在GCM的框架下计算了一些真空凝聚。
- UNICEF is willing to maintain and further strengthen its technical support to partners at the field level, in developing worktable, local specific and cost effective strategies. 联合国儿童基金会愿意保持和进一步加强对基层项目合作伙伴的技术支持,其中包括制定工作时间表,以及符合地方实际的、入成本和产出效益合理的各项策略或规划。
- A low-cost CIMS network model is also designed. Based on the study of field level (fiel-dbus), shop level (carrierband), plant level (broadband) technology. 在研究现场级(现场总线)、车间级(载波带)和工厂级(宽带)技术的基础上;设计了一个低成本CIMS网络模型.
- Injection of dependencies occurs at the field level, via additional annotations. At runtime, fields that contain injections become read-only. 依赖注入通过附加的标注发生在属性级别。在运行时,属性包含的注入会变成只读的。
- SFP sponsored 5 extension workers from Zizhong pork pilot project to the training course. 小农户项目资助来自资中猪肉示范项目点的5名推广人员参与此次培训课程。
- In System / 38, data description specifications coded on the lines following the last field specification. Key field level specifications are permitted only for physical files or logical files. 在IBM System/38中,在最后字段说明之后的一些行上进行编码的数据描述规范。关键字字段级规范仅对物理文件或逻辑文件有效。
- Participants in the training program included a lot of local herdsmen in addition to husbandry extension workers from the two Sumus. 参加培训的除了这两个苏木的畜牧推广人员以外,还有当地许多牧民朋友。
- Meanwhile, the training in agribusiness management has also reinforced the extension workers knowledge about agribusiness. 与此同时,农户经营管理培训也增加了推广工作人员关于农户经营管理方面的知识。
- This is part of the on going training program to update the skills and knowledge of local extension workers based on the pilot project design report. 这是正在进行的培训项目的一部分,当地推广人员以示范项目设计报告为依准来更新技术和知识。
- A football field should be level. 足球场地应该平坦。
- Administrators, researchers, extension workers and all individuals involved in technology transfer are to be congratulated for their foresight and efforts in this area. 应祝贺所有参与传播技术的管理人员、究人员、广人员和个人在这一领域的远见灼识和勤奋努力。
- The laborer union has the direct responsibility for improving the thought moral education and its level of the extensive workers. 工会对于广大职工思想道德的教育和水平的提高负有直接责任。
- This approach also helps to build up expertise on counter-terrorism issues at the subregional and field levels. 这种做法也有助于增强分区域和外地一级的反恐专门知识。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野战炮兵连续炮击那座要塞。
- Same time, group also discuss with local veterinary extension workers to understand the previous activities and future work plan, visit provincial veterinary diagnostic laboratory. 另外考察组和兽医技术推广服务机构的人员座谈,了解兽医技术推广服务的现状和未来工作计划和思路,参观兽医诊断实验室。
- The crowd cheered as the teams entered the field. 球队入场时观众们为之欢呼。