- The field length indicates the maximum number of characters that are required to represent data in character format. 字段长度指示以字符格式表示数据时所要求的最大字符数。
- field length indicator 字段长度指示符
- Field length from the previous sibling or delimiter. 以前的同辈或分隔符中的字段长度。
- The field length is already known if the data is stored in the native format. 如果数据以本机格式存储,则字段长度已知。
- When the variable is nonempty, it points to a dynamically allocated block of memory that contains the string value, a 32-bit length indicator, and a 32-bit reference count. 当串变量不为空时,它指向一个动态分配的内存块,该内存块中包含串值、一个32位的长度指示和一个32位的引用计数;
- In some situations, use of a default field length can lead to an "unexpected end of file" error. 在某些情况下,使用默认字段长度可能导致“意外的文件结尾”错误。
- Indicates that the first address is the start of a field, and the second is the field length. 指示第一个地址是字段开始位置,第二个是字段长度。
- Generally, Microsoft recommends that you accept the bcp-suggested default values for the field length. 通常,Microsoft会建议您接受bcp建议的默认字段长度值。
- Fryrear D W,Saleh A.Wind erosion:field length[J].Soil Science,1996,161(6):398-404. 刘目兴;刘连友;孙炳彦;等.;耕作地表土块状况及其对近地表风场的影响[J]
- The non-XML format file contains information about the file storage type, prefix length, field length, and field terminator of every table column. 非XML格式化文件包含了有关每个表列的文件存储类型、前缀长度、字段长度和字段终止符的信息。
- The field length is already known if the data is stored in the native format; for example, the int data type takes 4 bytes. 如果数据以本机格式存储,则字段长度就是已知的,例如,int数据类型占4个字节。
- Currency separators include the thousands separators, decimal separators, decimal position, field length, and padding character. 货币分隔符包括千位分隔符、小数点、小数位置、字段长度和填充字符。
- When converting noncharacter data to character data, bcp suggests a default field length large enough to store the data. 当将非字符数据转换为字符数据时,bcp会建议一个足以存储该数据的默认字段长度。
- When you copy data types that are not of fixed length and you specify a prefix length of 0, bcp prompts for a field length. 当复制没有固定长度的数据类型并指定前缀长度为0时,bcp命令会提示输入字段长度。
- Suppress incorrect length indicator 取消错误长度指示符
- The computational results of strong scintillation with weak turbulence but long propagation length indicate that the number of branch points in distorted optical field has a tendency to saturation. 另外,通过对湍流较弱但传输路径较长的强闪烁条件下畸变光场中出现的相位不连续点数目的计算发现,当湍流效应达到一定程度时,相位不连续点的数目有达到饱和的趋势。
- unit for film length indicator reset 胶片长度指示器复位器
- In a 4700 Assembler Language instruction,a method of addressing a field by specifying the segment number,displacement,and field length in an instruction. 在IBM系统4700汇编语言指令中,通过在指令中指明段号、位移量和字段长度以对某一字段进行编址或寻址的方法。
- When a character mode data file is created, using the default field length ensures that data is not truncated and that numeric overflow errors do not occur. 如果已创建了字符模式数据文件,则使用默认字段长度可确保数据不会被截断,并且不会发生数字溢出错误。
- In a 4700 Assembler Language instruction, a method of addressing a field by specifying the segment number, displacement, and field length in an instruction. 在IBM系统4700汇编语言指令中,通过在指令中指明段号、位移量和字段长度以对某一字段进行编址或寻址的方法。