- field box beam system 箱梁制梁场
- In the Field box, click the custom field with the formula you want to import. 在“域”框中,单击包含要导入公式的自定义域。
- In order to ensure the normal operation of traffic in construction the continuous box beam's construction adopts cross beam as supporting system and Bailey member bars as abutments. 为保证在施工期间的交通正常运行,连续梁的施工特采取贝雷杆件组拼支墩和横梁作为支撑系统。
- The main suspension gallows consist of a steel box beam, sitting on hydraulic jacks that support all the structure during concreting. 主吊架有一钢箱梁组成,坐落在液压千斤顶上,在浇注混凝土过程中支撑所有结构。
- Ball and beam system is a classical instable system whose mathematical model is constructed in this paper. 摘要球杆系统是一种经典的不稳定控制系统。
- This paper describes a new multi ion and electron beam system for preparing optic thin films. 本文介绍一种新型的光学薄膜制备用多离子束电子束系统。
- Shear walls and the walls of the hollow box beam will be approximately 50 cm thick. 剪力墙和空心箱形梁的墙厚约50厘米。
- Compared with the railway bridge and culvert design specifications, the box beam structure design and construction method are seen rational and feasible. 通过有限元分析结果与铁路桥涵设计规范的比较得出,该箱梁结构设计合理,施工方案可行。
- Restrained torsion of thin-walled box beam with honeycomb core is analyzed on the basis of rigid profile assumption. 在刚性剖面假设的基础上分析具有蜂窝芯材薄壁盒式梁约束扭转问题。
- Restrained bending of thin-walled box beam with honeycomb core is analyzed on the basis of rigid profile assumption. 在刚性剖面假设的基础上分析具有蜂窝芯材薄壁盒式梁约束弯曲问题。
- When high beam headlights are in use sensors in the Automatic High Beam system detects oncoming traffic and automatically switch the headlights to low-beam. 当远光灯大灯都在使用中的传感器自动检测系统的高光束迎面而来的流量和自动切换到低大灯光束。
- The paper mainly expounds construction procedures for concrete box beam prestressed in post-tensioning method. 本文主要阐述了后张法预应力混凝土箱梁的施工方法。
- When these techniques are combined with a scanning focused beam system and a data acquisition system, abundance distribution of elemental composition can be displayed. 如果将粒子束聚焦;且装上扫描设备和计算机数据获取系统;可以得到样品中元素丰度分布的扫描图.
- The paper discussed the procedure and attentions of box beam precast for reference. 介绍了广州市环城高速公路跨广州大道连续箱梁桥的工程概况。
- Finally, the transient amplitudes of the beam system under the axial motion of piezoelectric actuator for three models are obtained by the finite difference method. 最后,由有限差分法得到各组暂态振幅的数值,并比较之。
- The paper discussed proportion between side span and middle span in three spans prestressed continuous box beam bridge. 本文对三跨预应力连续箱梁桥的边跨与中跨比例问题进行了初步的探讨。
- The article introduces the technical gist of the construction control of the fish-bellied concrete continuous box beam. 该文介绍了鱼腹式混凝土连续箱梁的施工控制技术要点。
- Verify that the correct fields are matched by reviewing the text in the Matching fields box. 通过查看“匹配字段”框中的文本验证正确的字段是匹配的。
- The paper gives the recount for the method and function of calculating distortion geometric nature of arbitrarily section in continuous box beam. 叙述任意截面箱形连续梁畸变几何性质的计算方法和作用。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野战炮兵连续炮击那座要塞。