- A promoter has a fiduciary relationship with the company. 发起人与公司有信用上的关系。
- The law regards the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary as a fiduciary relationship. 法律把受托人和受益人之间的关系看作是一种信用关系。
- Now widely accepted theory is sui generis relation theory, which recognizes director-corporation relation as a special fiduciary relationship. 当今广为接受的通说为特殊关系说,即董事与公司的关系是一种特殊的信义关系(fiduciary relationship)。
- I have argued that the real reason for prohibiting insider trading is that it erodes the fiduciary relationship that lies at the heart of our business organizations. 我已经说明了禁止内幕交易的真正原因是,它侵蚀了作为我们商业组织核心的信义关系。
- Because of the USA and the ROC have such fiduciary relationship; the former must be responsible for the illegal behaviors of the government of The ROC in Taiwan since 1945. 因美国和中华民国有此种信讬关系,前者对中华民国自1945年以来在台湾的所有非法行为应负起责任。
- A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one person is the holder of the title to property subject to equitable obligation to keep or use the property for the benefit of another. 信托是一种信赖关系,拥有财产权的人负有为他人利益而管理或处分该财产的衡平法义务。
- A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one person is the holder of the title to property subject to an equitable obligation to keep or use the property for the benefit of another. 摘要信讬,系源自英国法之一种为他人利益管理财产之制度,其基本要件为,财产所有人(委讬人)将其财产权(信讬财产)移转或设定于有管理能力且足以信赖之人(受讬人),使其为一定之人(受益人)之利益或为特定目的,管理或处分该财产。
- A trust is a fiduciary relationship with respect to specific property ,to which the trustee holds the legal title for the benefit of one or more persons, who hold equitable title as beneficiaries. 信托是一种与特定财产相关的信赖关系。在这种特殊的关系中,受托人为了一个人或更多人的利益而拥有财产的法定所有权,后者就是受益人,拥有财产的衡平法所有权。
- Trust is a kind of fiduciary relationship in which the trustee is the possessor in the law of trust property, while the beneficiary has the ownership on the trust property in the law of equity. 基于信托法理统一规范证券投资基金的法律关系,当事人之间的权利义务明确,基金持有人作为信托受益人,其受益权不仅具有债权的特性,还具有物权特性,因此能够更好地保护基金持有人的权利。
- On the Trust and Fiduciary Relationship 论信托中的信任关系
- He is acting in a fiduciary capacity. 他以受托人身份行为。
- Trust A fiduciary relationship in which one person, a trustee, holds title to property or assets for the benefit of another person, the beneficiary 一种委托关系,一名信托人代表受益人持有物业或资产的所有权
- Their relationship is over and done with. 他们的关系完全断绝了。
- A note of discord crept into their relationship. 他们的关系出现了裂痕。
- The relationship between them is being improved. 他们之间的关系正在改善。
- Our advice helped them to smooth out their relationship. 我们的建议帮助他们消除了相互关系中的障碍。
- Their relationship soon went sour. 他们的关系不久就变坏了。
- Our relationship is coming apart at the seams. 我们的关系破裂了。
- Mary is not ready for a new relationship yet. 玛莉对进入新的恋爱关系还没有准备。
- Our relationship is falling apart at the seams. 我们的关系破裂了。