- fidelity guaranty insurance 忠实<诚信>保证保险
- The fifth part is about the deraignment of Guaranty Insurance of Motorcar Consumption Credit.The main point is the preferential deraignment of insurance agent. 在本文的第五章,笔者涉及的是汽车消费贷款保证保险纠纷中的抗辩权问题,重点探讨的是保险公司的先诉抗辩权问题以及享有的其他抗辩权。
- The sixth part emphasizes the subrogation of Guaranty Insurance of Motorcar Consumption Credit, in which includes the concept, function and exertion of subrogation. 在本文的第六章,笔者论述的是汽车消费贷款保证保险纠纷中的追偿权问题,其中包括保证保险人追偿权的理论依据、性质、行使等。
- On Legal Nature of Guaranty Insurance 保证保险合同的法律性质之我见
- Consideration of Dual Guaranty Insurance and Its Law Application 保证保险二元性思辨及其法律适用
- Analysis on the Nature of Guaranty Insurance Contract 保证保险合同性质解析
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- Fidelity to engagement is a virtue. 信守诺言是一种美德。
- The insurance cover is optional. 保险范围可以随意选择。
- History is more full of examples of the fidelity of dog than of friend. 历史上狗儿忠诚的事例较诸朋友忠诚的事例多得多。
- He set up in business as an insurance broker. 他开始从事保险经纪人的职业。
- His fidelity and industry brought him speedy promotion. 他的忠于职守和勤于工作使他得到迅速晋级。
- The insurance company will recompense his loss. 保险公司将赔偿他的损失。
- Every student must get an insurance policy. 每个学生必须得到一张保险单。
- The two health insurance schemes have nothing at all in common. 这两个健康保险方案丝毫没有共同之处。
- Selling insurance is easy money. 出售保险容易赚钱。
- He can claim against the fire insurance. 根据火灾保险合同,他能有权要求一笔钱。
- The insurance company has settled her claim. 保险公司已经清偿了她的索赔款额。
- The insurance company is built on trust. 保险公司以信任为基础。
- It's easy to sell insurance to a pessimist. 向悲观的人推销保险很容易。