- The fiber diameter was measured and ultramicroscopic structure was observed. 用图像分析定量并测示肌纤维直径。
- Resolution increases as the slit width or fiber diameter decreases, but at the expense of signal strength. 分辨率随着过滤器直径或槽口宽度的下降而增加,但以减少信号强度为代价。
- The effects of process parameters on PP fiber diameter were analyzed by computer data simulation. 通过计算机数值模拟的方法分析了工艺参数对聚丙烯(PP)纤维直径的影响。
- The optimal ratio of bare axon diameter divided by the total fiber diameter (including the myelin) is 0.6. 裸露轴突直径除以包含髓鞘的纤维总直径,最佳比值是0.;6。
- PM had the least size of perimysial thickness and fiber diameter, but the largest MFI. 腰大肌的肌束膜厚度和肌纤维直径最小,而肌原纤维小片化指数最大。
- Ten Anqing finishers, 20 Anqingcross finishers, 20 Huai finishers and 58 Huaicross( totally 108) were slaughtered and measured for muscle fiber diameter . 本试验对10头安庆猪,20头安杂猪,20头淮猪及58头淮杂猪(总计108头肥育猪)作了宰后肌纤维直径测定。
- The probe couples via a splice bushing to a bifurcated optical fiber assembly (fiber diameter varies according to the probe specified). 探测器经过套管与分部光纤装配在一起(根据探测器的说明有不同直径的光纤)。
- The model prediction of fiber diameter using this formula is almost the same as that using the empirical formula put forward by Harpham and Shambaugh. 该公式预测的纤维直径与经验公式的预测结果几乎完全相同。
- The effect of wool density, strentched length, fiber diameter and liveweight on clean wool weight in the Chinese Merino was studied by path analysis. 本文应用通径分析方法,研究了中国美利奴羊羊毛密度、伸直长度、纤维直径和剪毛后体重对净毛产量的影响程度。
- Optics microscope and PC connected by industry video camera of high resolution power, relied on specialized analyses soft to complete fiber diameter test. 是通过高分辨率的工业摄像机将光学显微镜与计算机相连,依靠专业的分析软件来完成纤维直径的测试。
- Its fiber diameter is film of general petrifaction face (do not knit cloth cover film) fibrous 1 of 133, let gas pass only, avoid elite fluid to evaporate. 其纤维直径为一般石化面膜(不织布面膜)纤维的133之1,仅让气体通过,避免精华液蒸发。
- The fiber diameter was lowered with the decrease of the particle size of PNIPAM microgels, and increased with the increase of the microgel dispersion concentration. 纤维直径随着PNIPAM微凝胶粒径的减小而减小,随着微凝胶分散液浓度的升高而增加。
- Nerve fiber diameter recovery rate analysis showed it followed by ascending was verapamil+NGF group, NGF group, verapamil group and blank control group. 神经纤维直径恢复率分析表明:维拉帕米+神经生长因子组>神经生长因子组>维拉帕米组>空白对照组。
- The results showed that the smaller the fiber diameter, the higher the fiber strength, but for fiber composite, its strength was slightly reduced with the decrease of fiber diameter. 结果表明,纤维直径越细,纤维的强度越高,但是对于复合材料来说,纤维直径越细相应的复合材料强度反而会略有下降。
- It discussed the ways to improve the prickle sensation of wool fabrics.Reducing fiber diameter, finishing improving structure of wool fabrics all can lighten the prickle sensation. 论述了改善毛织物刺痒感的途径,如降低纤维的直径、对毛织物进行后整理、改善毛织物组织结构等。
- It expounded the main factors affecting the prickle sensation,such as the cuticle hardness and skin moist degree,temperature and humidity,fiber diameter and fabrics structural characteristics. 阐述了影响刺痒感的主要因素,有角质层的硬度和皮肤潮湿程度等主体因素,温度和湿度等环境因素,纤维直径和织物结构特性等织物因素。
- The microwave permeability of polycrystalline iron fibers decreases with the increase of fiber diameter and increases with the increase of aspect ratio. 实验研究了纤维组分、直径和长径比对多晶铁纤维微波磁导率的影响。
- This lens can magnify 20 diameter. 这个透镜能放大20倍。
- The diameter of the tree-trunk is about 2 meters. 这树干的直径大约是2米。
- The axis of a circle is its diameter. 圆的轴线是其直径。