- fhe Plea Bargaining 辩诉交易
- Is Plea Bargaining System Practical in China? 论辩诉交易制度在我国的适用性?
- He reached a plea bargain with the authorities. 他与当局达成了辩诉交易。
- Plea bargaining helps to stop the courts becoming congested. 辨诉交易制度有助于避免法庭待审理案件的积压。
- Can I tell this woman you're ameanable to a plea bargain? 我可以对这个女人说你有意协商认罪吗?
- His admission was part of a plea bargain with the prosecutor. 他的供认是与检方进行辩诉交易的一部分。
- Plea bargaining deal is a special system in American criminal judicatory, which takes effect in legal practice. 摘要辩诉交易是美国刑事司法中一项具有特色的制度,在美国的刑事司法实践中发挥着举足轻重的作用。
- The original place of Plea bargaining was the United States, but its significance is beyond American boundaries. 辩诉交易制度虽然产生于美国,但是其影响却已经远远地超出了美国的国界。
- However,if we only aim for efficiency,there is no necessity to adopt the system of plea bargaining. 但是,如果单纯为提高诉讼效率,我国没有必要引入“辩诉交易”。
- There was no trial, just plea bargains. 这根本不是什么审判,完全是诉讼交易。
- The elements of substantial condition should be more considered when we construct our Chinese plea bargaining. 我国应以辩诉合意为核心设计中国化的辩诉交易制度,在实体合法性条件方面多做“冷”思考。
- So some legists suggest we can adapt the system of plea bargaining of America to improve the facility procedure of criminal adjudgement of China . 于是有些法学家建议采用美国的辩诉交易制度来改进我国的刑事审判简易程序。
- Heumann, Milton, and Colin Loftin." Mandatory Sentencing and the Abolition of Plea Bargaining: The Michigan Felony Firearm Statute." In The Law and Society Reader. 〈刑事法庭中以家庭为基础做出判决的架构和实务〉《法律与社会读本》。
- Heumann, Milton, and Colin Loftin. "Mandatory Sentencing and the Abolition of Plea Bargaining: The Michigan Felony Firearm Statute." In The Law and Society Reader. 刑事法庭中以家庭为基础做出判决的架构和实务>,《法律与社会读本》。
- Is the statement that the spirit of contract freedom can he embodied marvelously in the process of penal litigation a defense or an explanation for the plea bargaining? 摘要“契约自由精神在刑事诉讼中的绝妙体现”这种说法是对辩诉交易的辩白还是解释?
- Jeffrey .J. Miller,"Plea Bargaining and Its Analongaes under the New Italian Criminal Procedure Code and in the United States",22N.Y.U.J.Int‘LL.and Pol.215(1990). 陈瑞华.;美国辩诉交易程序与意大利刑事特别程序之比较
- The law system and policy in crime of our nation includes the spirit of the plea bargain. 我国一些刑事法律制度及刑事政策同样蕴涵著诉辩交易的精神。
- The concept of the plea bargain and its application in Pakistan has received scathing criticism in terms of its ethical and legal connotations. 认罪还款协议的理念和实施,无论在道德或法律两方面,在巴基斯坦国内均受到猛烈抨击。
- The viewpoint of introducing plea bargain on crimination should not be supported whether we care for impartiality or efficiency. 其中的定罪辩诉交易制度,无论从诉讼公正抑或诉讼效率层面探究皆不能得到移植我国的适用的证据。
- Ashen-faced, they leaned on each other for strength while the district attorney told them about the possible plea bargain. 当地区检察官告诉他们可能达成的交易时,他们面如土灰,相互靠着对方,才有力气撑下去。