- Fewer than 20 students passed all the exams. 不到20个学生考试全部及格。
- There were fewer than twenty people there. 那里有不到二十个人。
- No fewer than twenty girls showed up at the party. 不少于二十个女生出现在那场舞会。
- No fewer than one thousand were present. 出席者不下千人。
- There were no fewer than a thousand cars. 有不下一千辆汽车。
- Fewer than three chari-ties does not cut it. 少于三个公益性职位那可就不妙了。
- Fewer than three charities does not cut it. 少于三个慈善性职位那可就不妙了。
- Fewer than 200 have been flown back from Lampedusa. 只有不到二百人从兰佩杜萨被遣返。
- Fewer than 200 Texans remained as defenders. 少于200德州依然捍卫者。
- The students of this class are fewer than those of that one. 这个班的学生比那个班的学生少。
- The pages of this book are fewer than those of that book. 这本书的页数比那本书的页数少。
- His mistakes in composition are no fewer than yours. 他作文中的错误和你的一样。
- Cases like theirs occur in fewer than one in 2.5 million. 这种情况出现的几率不到250万分之一。
- There are no fewer than a thousand people at the festival. 参加节日活动的人不下一千。
- No fewer than ten thousand people went to the Ocean Park yesterday. 昨天到海洋公园去的不少于一万人。
- He owned no fewer than four handlooms and employed apprentices. 他有四台之多的手工织布机,还雇了几个学徒。
- No fewer than 10 students were absent through illness. 因病而缺课的学生不下十名。
- On D-Day, the Germans only deployed fewer than 400 aircraft. 进攻开始这一天,德军只部署了不足400架飞机。
- The student of this class is fewer than those of that one. 这个班的学生比那个班的学生少。
- Morgan Stanley uses no fewer than 13 models to value currencies. 摩根斯坦利用来评估货币的模型至少有13个。