- Crispy corn chips filled with chilli meat. 香脆玉米饼配墨西哥辣牛肉酱.
- fever with chilliness 发热恶寒
- A sure bet is the steamed sand goby with chilli and lemon sauce. 一道稳妥选择是配有辣椒酱和柠檬酱的清蒸笋壳鱼。
- We rubbed through the fever with just enough life to reach the town. 我们从热病中逃生,勉强支撑着身子到达市镇。
- High spiking fever with chills is suggestive of a complicating pylephlebitis. 伴有寒战的高热,暗示合并门静脉炎。
- The unique magic of radon springs, is the rare high fever with radon spa. 氡泉水神奇独特,是国内罕见的高热含氡矿泉。
- People in the north and southwest like to dress their dish with chilli oil or chilli paste. 北方人和西南地区的人们爱在菜上浇辣椒油或辣椒酱。
- The earliest symptom is a sudden onset of high fever with or without muscle aches. 最早的症状是突然发高烧,肌肉酸痛可有可无。
- Between 1 December 2005 - 17 February 2006, 5671 cases of fever with arthralgia were reported. 2005年12月1日至2006年2月17日,报告了5 671例伴有关节痛的发热病例。
- Mild infections may occur without apparent symptoms other than fever with headache. 病情轻微者除发烧及头痛外,一般不会有其他显著病徵。
- Objective:To explore the spatio temporal epidemic dynamic of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndromes ,HFRS). 目的:探讨肾综合征出血热时空流行动态的分型特征。
- A This is a delicious prawn dish, with chillies and garlic. A 这是非常美味的虾,有辣椒和大蒜。
- With chilli and Morrocan spices such as cumin, it was a good match with a merlot. 如果里面有辣椒和摩洛哥香料如孜然,饮用美洛葡萄酒最佳。
- They threatened to cover and obscure his life with chilly greyness. 现在他再也不能说什么有钱、有投资的骗人鬼话了。
- This is a delicious prawn dish, with chillies and garlic. 这是非常美味的明虾,配有辣椒和大蒜。
- A:This is a delicious prawn dish, with chillies and garlic. 这是非常美味的明虾,配有辣椒和大蒜。
- Famous dishes are fried diced chicken with chilli sauce, Zhang Tea Duck, Mapo bean curd, chafing dish with pig's stomach, and cabbage in boiling water. 著名菜肴有宫保鸡丁樟茶鸭子、麻婆豆腐、毛肚火锅、开水白菜等,其菜品风格朴实清新,具有浓厚的乡土气息。
- Now everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient. 人们都知道要医治高烧,得用新鲜的鸡汤,于是农民拿着短斧,到牧场上去取鸡汤的主要原料。
- There are two main groups of diseases, namely the Haemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome and the. 汉坦病毒感染主要有两大类,分别为肾综合症出血热及汉坦病毒肺症侯群。
- Lemon-drenched grilled salmon with wasabi spice, pumpkin-pizza with chilli mushrooms and roasted tuna, red-wine beef steak with butter saute onions and baby corn. 柠檬芥末烤散文鱼,南瓜皮萨加辣椒冬菇和屯拿,红酒牛排炒黄油洋葱。