- The Revolution of 1911,led by Dr Sun Yat-sen,abolished the feudal monarchy and gave birth to the Republic of China. 一九一一年孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命,废除了封建帝制,创立了中华民国。
- They realized that to save China from national demise, it was essential to reform, and to remove feudal monarchy, one must first remove feudal religious authority. 他们认识到,如欲救亡图存,必需变法图强;欲革封建君权,必革封建神权。
- He would doubtless have relished the paradox that such an urbane, cosmopolitan figure is now the front for a regime that in essence owes its power to a feudal monarchy. 而他本人也肯定品尝到了一种自相矛盾的事实,即这样一位彬彬有礼而无狭隘偏见的人物现在却领导着一个权力实质上来源于封建君主制的政权。
- In 919 AD, King Henry I Duke of Saxony, Germany, the creation of a formal early feudal monarchy and Germany, which is in the strict sense of German history began. 公元919年,萨克森公爵亨利一世即位,正式创立德意志早期封建国家和德意志王权,这是严格意义上的德国历史的开始。
- China's modern history was one fully suffers the imperialism humiliation, feudal monarchy squeezing, the warlord tangled warfare, the people fully suffers the misery, the national poor weak history. 中国的近代史是一部饱受帝国主义凌辱、封建帝制压榨、军阀混战,人民饱受苦难,国家贫穷软弱的历史。就因为这样,中国才有人想推翻这个制度,才有了中国共产党领导下的中华人民共和国。...
- The characteristics of the first period were that nomadic feudal political system of the whole Northern Yuan had changed into the system of nomadic feudal lords from the nomadic feudal monarchy. 第一个时期的特点是整个北元社会的游牧封建政治制度由原来的游牧封建领主制向游牧封建君主制演变,领地成为私产,成为独立封国,领主演变为游牧封建君主。
- We know that it was the outcome of compromise between Feudal Monarchy and the rising bourgeois,which combines the deep feudalism habitude and the respect of protecting bourgeois's vested interest. 我们知道它是封建王权与新兴资产阶级相互妥协的产物,既有浓厚的封建宗教性质,又有符合资产阶级既得利益的一面。
- Britain is a constitutional monarchy. 英国是君主立宪制国家。
- Xinhai Revolution ended the feudal monarchies in China as long as more than 2000 years, and established the bourgeois democracy republican system in the form. 摘要辛亥革命结束了在中国持续长达两千余年的封建帝制,在形式上确立了资产阶级民主共和制度。
- I want them to do away with this feudal custom. 我希望他们废除这一封建陋俗。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- Let's not make a sacred cow of the monarchy. 咱们别把君主政体奉若神明。
- He lost faith in feudal traditions. 他不再相信封建的老一套了。
- She lost faith in feudal traditions. 她不再相信封建的老一套了。
- The people would rise in open rebellion if oppressed by a monarchy. 如果遭到君主制的压迫,人民就会起来反抗。
- He's a staunch supporter of the monarchy. 他是君主制的坚定拥护者。
- The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. 英国是君主立宪国。
- The feudal barons were cruel to the people. 封建贵族对人民很残酷。
- He destroyed feudal ideas in literature. 他摧毁了文学中的封建思想。
- Feudal ideas were stamped on her mind. 封建思想在她头脑中根深蒂固。