- fetch haul over the coals 责备; 申斥
- I was hauled over the coals for being late. 我因迟到而受到了严厉的训斥。
- He was hauled over the coals by the manager for his carelessness. 他因不认真受到了经理的严厉批评。
- He was hauled over the coals by the manager for his carelessness . 他因不认真受到了经理的严厉批评。
- You will be hauled over the coals for going out and leaving the door unlocked. 你该挨骂了, 出门时不锁门。
- haul over the coals for 由於 ... 狠狠地责备
- haul over the coalsvi. 申斥
- Her boss called her over the coals for being late for work. 由於上班迟到,她老板狠狠地责备了她。
- Her boss hauled her over the coals for being late for work. 由於上班迟到,她老板狠狠地责备了她。
- He was hauled over the coals by the manager for his carelessness 他因不认真受到了经理的严厉批评。
- The director called Jim into his office to haul him over the coals for being late so often. 经理把吉姆叫到办公室去,为了他常常迟到而训斥他。
- Why is it that a conscience can't haul a man over the coals once for an offence and then let him alone? 良心谴责一个人的错误,为什么不能一次就了事呢?
- They can haul political appointees like Donald Rumsfeld over the coals in Congressional hearings. 第二:如果撤了后,还输了选举,再找谁做替罪羊?副总统或莱斯小姐?
- I hate to see someone raked over the coals. 我讨厌见到别人挨骂。
- Don't let him rake you over the coals. 别让他斥责你!
- Did you dad rake you over the coals? 你父亲骂你了吗?
- You will be called over the coals for your conduct. 你的行为将受到谴责。
- I was brought over the coals for taking the day off. 我因为那天没上班而遭诘责。
- His employer hauled him over the coals for being late for work. 他上班迟到,受到雇主的严厉训斥。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。