- The district is fertile of wheat. 该地区盛产小麦。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Fields of wheat are undulating in the breeze. 在微风中起伏着一片麦浪。
- Thank you for your order of June9 for115 bags of wheat flour. 感谢你方6月9日来函向我公司订购115袋面粉。
- They are reaping a field of wheat. 他们正在收割一片麦田。
- It will be a fertility of year for much raining. 因为雨水多,今年会是丰产的一年。
- There are 100 tons of wheat on board the ship. 船上装有100吨小麦。
- Consider the farmer who plants a crop of wheat. 想想看种植小麦的农夫吧!
- India had a large surplus of wheat in 1985. 1985年印度的小麦有大量的富余。
- It's rich there because of the fertility of soil. 因为土地肥沃,那儿很富裕。
- Three acres of wheat will feed many people. 3英亩小麦可养活许多人。
- He hefted a sack of wheat to see how heavy it was. 他举起一袋麦子看看有多重。
- My mother is baking a loaf of wheat bread. 我妈妈正在烤一条小麦面包。
- This year we had a record harvest of wheat. 今年我们的小麦收成是历年来最好的一次。
- They gathered up the ears of wheat in the fields. 他们把掉在地上的小麦穗捡了回来。
- He came back with a bag of wheat seed on his back. 他背着一袋小麦种子回来了。
- There are new varieties of wheat. 麦子有许多新品种。
- The price of wheat has decreased by15%. 小麦价格降低了 15%25。
- We soon saw a field of wheat undulating in the breeze. 我们很快看到一片在微风中起伏的麦田。
- Wheat powdery mildew is one of wheat main diseases. 小麦白粉病是小麦的主要病害之一。