- On the West Coast there are strands of virgin timber and fertile farmland. 西海岸则有许多未经开发的森林和肥沃的田地。
- Fertile farmland covers64 percent of the country, which is among the flattest in the world. 丹麦是世界上最平坦的国家之一,富庶的土地覆盖了64%25国土。
- Fertile farmland covers 64 percent of the country, which is among the flattest in the world. 丹麦是世界上最平坦的国家之一,富庶的土地覆盖了64%25的国土。
- With the development of livestock husbandry there, some animal farms were brought under cultivation into fertile farmland. 随着畜牧业的发展,沙苑地区出现了开垦牧地为良田的做法。
- Irrigation and water conservancy irrigation and improved pear dam, drains Maying so acres of fertile farmland to be irrigated. 兴修农田水利,改善了梨树坝、马营水渠,使千亩良田得到灌溉。
- After this they built a thatched hut on this hitherto uninhabited cape and working together, turned it into fertile farmland, beginning their free and happy life together. 他们就在这片百里无村寨,千里无人烟的荒滩上,结草为屋,居住下来,开荒种地,过着夫唱妇随,自由自在,美好幸福的生活。
- New research shows that jatropha, a biofuel crop that has received huge Indian government backing, yields less than predicted and is being grown on fertile farmland, Agence France-Presse reported. 据法新社报道,新研究表明麻风树这种生物燃料作物受到印度政府强大支持,产出量虽比预计较少,但正在肥沃的田地里生长。
- transform a desert into fertile farmland 把沙漠变成良田
- a vast expanse of fertile farmland 沃野千里
- Fertile Farmland of Million Hectare Project 万顷良田建设工程
- Million hectares of fertile farmland 万顷良田
- fertile farmland; a fat land; a productive vineyard; rich soil. 肥沃的农田;肥沃的土地;多产的葡萄园;富饶的土地。
- fertile farmland; a fat land; a productive vineyard; rich soil 肥沃的农田;肥沃的土地;多产的葡萄园;富饶的土地
- Gradually the surrounding farmland turned residential. 周围的农田渐渐变成了住宅区。
- The separation of human dejecta degradation bacteria from the biological stuffing in the ecological non-water sanitation and the soil of the organic fertilizer farmland were done in the paper. 本文对免水型生态卫生设施中的生物填料及施有机肥农田的土壤进行了人类粪便降解菌的分离。
- There are fertile fields in the Nile Delta. 尼罗河三角洲土地肥沃。
- The plains of Alberta are extremely fertile. 艾伯塔平原极其肥沃。
- The once barren hillsides are now good farmland. 昔日荒坡,今日良田。
- Most chicken eggs are not fertile. 多数鸡蛋未受精。
- The fields hereabout are fertile. 这一带的土地很肥沃。