- ferocity is proper to tigers 凶猛是老虎的天性。
- Ferosity is proper to tigers. 凶猛是老虎的天性。
- It is proper to learn even from an enemy. 向敌人学,也无不可。
- The nesting instinct is proper to birds. 筑巢是鸟类的本能。
- The custom is proper to the island. 这个风俗是这个岛上特有的。
- We don't think it is proper to tra ort the goods by railway. 我们认为此货不适合用铁路运输。
- We don't think it is proper to transport the goods by railway. 我们认为此货不适合用铁路运输。
- I do not think it is proper to transport the goods we ordered by sea. 我认为我方订货不宜海运。
- Sensitivity to what is proper; propriety. 合宜对适宜的东西的敏感性;适当
- It is not proper to belch out so loudly. 发出如此大声是不适当的。
- Lions will give birth to tigers! 狮子要生老虎!
- I do not think it is proper for you to behave so. 我认为你这种举止不合体统。
- As a result, I believe it is proper to manifest "The Father of Nankai" through the form of pillar. 以柱梁的雕塑形式来表现一代开教育先河的“南开之父”严修之品格想必是准确的。
- The writer does not think it is proper to impute Qin's destruction to the Legalist's Theorey. 秦的灭亡是一个复杂的问题,归结于秦用法家思想统治而导致秦快速灭亡是缺乏根据的。
- How great is the path proper to the Sage! 大哉圣人之道!
- Over its useful life. For decoration fee, it is proper to amortize them over the rental period. 根据使用年限。对装修费来说,根据租赁期来摊销比较恰当吧。
- This is a custom proper to the area. 这是这个地区特有的风俗。
- It is proper that such a bad man be punished severely. 这么坏的人受重罚是应该的。
- When anyone does something for you, no matter how small and no matter whether he is a superior or servant, it is proper to say "thank you". 当有人为你办了事,不管这事多么微不足道,也不管他是你的上级还是服务员,你说一声“谢谢”总是得体的。
- The wuqin referred to tiger, deer, bear, monkey and birds. 五禽是虎、鹿、熊、猿、鸟。