- fennentd soy beans 豆豉
- Turkeys are fed mainly corn and soy beans meal. 喂养火鸡的饲料通常为玉米和大豆。
- It's all soy bean paste in these vats. 这缸里都是一些酱。
- Objective:To develop soy bean ginkgo drink. 目的研制开发大豆银杏佐餐饮。
- Soy bean oil and its products normally contains only 7 to 11% palmitic acid. 豆油及豆油制品在正常情况下只含7-11%25的软脂酸。
- Put noodles in 4 bowls. Ladle soy bean soup over the noodles. Serve. 乌冬放入4个碗中,再淋上豆浆汤,即可享用。
- The worldwide interest in soy beans is reason enough for the immediate publication of this book. 世界范围内对大豆的重视是本书尽快出版的充分理由。
- But wait!Organic and non-GMO tempeh, made from fermented soy beans and rice, is high in fiber and protein. 别急,有机和非转基因豆豉,由大豆和大米发酵而成,是一种高纤维和高蛋白质食物。
- Miso soup is a wonderful tonic combination of miso (fermented soy beans) prepared with tofu and nori (seaweed). 酱汤是一种美味的滋补混合品,由发酵酱加上豆腐、海藻烹饪而成。
- For trading in Rye and Soy Beans, you should have at least $1500.00 for trading in5000 bushels. 对于黑麦及大豆期货的交易,你应该至少能有1500美元来交易5000蒲式耳。
- The gene encoded a protein rich in methionine, a nutrient that is in short supply in ordinary soy beans. 这种基因编码构成了一种富含蛋氨酸的蛋白质--一种平常的大豆中所缺乏的营养物质。
- As usual, when people were told the food was made from soy beans they thought it unbelievable that soy beans could be made to taste so much like meat. 当他们得知这是用豆类做的,大多觉得不可思议,不知道原来豆类食品也可以有类似肉品的味道。
- Such vegetable kingdoms include turnips, okra, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, rhubarb, and soy beans and they cannot ascend as they are not from this creation. 这些植物王国包括芜菁、秋葵、抱子甘蓝、花椰菜、大黄和大豆,因为它们并非来自这个造物,因而它们无法提升。
- Mix in seasoning. Sprinkle over cucumber, pear, carrot, dried beancurd, soy bean sprouts and sesame. Serve. 拌入调味料,撒上青瓜、雪梨、红萝卜、豆干、芽菜及芝麻,即可享用。
- Asian soy bean rust also led to production losses in Mato Grosso, the No. 1 producer. 另外,亚洲大豆锈病还造成了第一大产豆州马托格罗索的减产。
- In the processing of soy bean, the key problem is odor of soy bean in developing new protein foods. 大豆在加工过程中所产生的豆腥味是研究开发新的蛋白食品的主要障碍。
- An electronic nose was used for detection of soy bean oil adulteration in camellia seed oil and sesame oil. 本文采用电子鼻系统对山茶油、芝麻油的掺假(大豆油)作了检测。
- Mexico City has witnessed “tortilla riots” because of the high price of maize, and thousands of Indonesians have protested over shortages of soy beans. 墨西哥城发生了“玉米饼暴乱”,原因是玉米价格过高。而成千上万的印尼人也就大豆的短缺进行抗议。
- Mix in seasoning. Sprinkle over cucumber, pera, carrot, dried beancurd, soy bean sprouts and sesame. Serve. 拌入调味料,撒上青瓜、雪梨、红萝卜、豆干、芽菜及芝麻,即可食用。
- These starters included the Kimchi, soy bean sprout, spicy radish, vegetables salad, anchovies and so on. 这些前菜计有泡菜、黄豆芽、辣萝卜、蔬菜沙律、江鱼仔等等。