- Lady Astor is elected to be the first female member of parliament in the UK. 年,阿斯特夫人被选为英国的第一位女性国会议员。
- Every adult male and female member had a voice upon all questions brought before it. 每一个成年男子和女子都对他们所讨论的一切问题有发言权。
- Jeannette Rankin of Montana becomes the first female member of the United States House of Representatives. 1917年的今天,蒙大纳州的珍妮特·瑞恩克林成为美国众议院中的首位女性议员。
- Georgia has become the youngest female member of Mensa after scoring a genius-rated IQ of 152. 在获得高达152分的智商测试成绩之后,乔治娅成为门萨最年轻的女性会员。
- In 1919, American-born Lady Astor was elected the first female member of the British Parliament. 1919年;美裔女性阿斯特被选举成为第一位英国议会女性议员.
- For this, we need the services of a female member of the Russian Cryptograph Section in Turkey and the help of the British Secret Service. 为此,我们需要俄国驻土耳其密码部能有一位女职员配合我们的工作,同时也需要英国安全部门的协助。
- Clare Kramer of TV's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" stars as Taylor Brooks, a sex, young undergrad who is determined to become the first female member of the secret Skulls society. 年轻漂亮的大学生黛娜成为骷髅会有史以来的首位女成员,但一切来不易。作风保守、行事神秘的骷膢会一向只招收男性,黛娜威胁会指控他们违反平等法例,主席梁礼顿只好就范。
- Originally extremely wealthy, with a female member was made an Imperial Concubine, the family eventually fell into disfavour with the Emperor, and had their mansions raided and confiscated. 起初,贾氏家族极为富有,且家族中有一女在皇宫做王妃。然而,随着清王朝的没落,贾家终也难逃厄运,遭到被抄家,房屋被充公的下场。
- The only women represented were female members of groups like The Pixies and Massive Attack. 代表女性入选的仅有“精灵”和“大举进攻”等乐队中的女性成员。
- Why is there only a scattering of female Members of Parliaments in this country? 为什么这个国家的女议员只有零零星星的几位?
- Difficulties with female members of your family may result in estrangement's.Don't vacillate about asking for assistance if you need it. 你与家庭中的女性成员会变得疏远,必要的时候尽管寻求帮助;
- I won't require high-ranking female members of my organization to wear a stainless-steel bustier.Morale is better with a more casual dress-code. 我不会规定恐怖军团中的高阶女性穿著无暇的钢制胸罩,比较宽松的服装规定会有比较高昂的士气。
- But, the meetings of the board of regents were often aborted due to the fact that neither male nor female members hold up to one-third of the posts. 本研究分别针对行政权的运作及教评会的运作,分析其失衡的因子,也找出行政两权互动的方法,与提高学校的教师专业的效能。
- Former followers and others say the cult also engages in brainwashing and secrecy, while Jung rampantly sexually abuses female members. (前教友和其他人说该邪教施行洗脑并行事秘密,而同时郑猖獗地性侵女教友。
- The committee ruled that she was ineligible to run,because she was not a full-fledged member of the Loyal Order of Hibernians. Since the Hibernians did not allow female members,this was a splendid Catch-22. 理事会决定她没有资格竞选,因为他不是海贝尼亚精忠会正式会员。由于海贝尼亚会员不接受女性会员,这简直是自相矛盾。
- Is eating meal the Australian female members said: this is the my first Mid-Autumn Festival, I have not eaten the moon cake, but, it looks like the very delicious appearance. 一位正在吃饭的澳大利亚女队员说:“这是我第一次过中秋节,我从来没有吃过月饼,不过,它看起来很好吃的样子。”
- He is an active member of the school's stamp club. 他是学校集邮俱乐部的一名活跃会员。
- Our club is a member of the Football League. 我们的俱乐部是足球联合会的一员。
- The female dog bore five whelps. 母狗生了五只小狗。
- Who on earth is that female he's with? 跟他在一起的那个女人究竟是谁?