- He felt out of place in their company. 与他们在一起他感到不自在。
- We felt out of sorts after the banquet. 宴会后,我们觉得不舒服。
- I'm beginning to feel out of patience. 我觉得有些不耐烦了。
- Let's feel out our parents to see if they let us go. 我们先弄清父母的态度,看他们让不让我们走。
- He felt out a new idea by submitting it to the workers of the factory. 他把新办法提交厂里的工人试用以检验其是否可行。
- Jim is quite shy; he will feel out of place in the presence of unknown people. 吉姆很害羞,在陌生人面前往往感到手足无措。
- I'm confused by how calm I felt out there. 比赛结束时我异常平静,我都有点糊涂了。
- I felt out of place among the foreigners at first. 我起初夹在一群老外中间很是别扭。
- I felt out of place among the foreigners. 在外国人中间我觉得不自在。
- I felt out of place at my new school. 在新学校,我觉得很不自在。
- He tried to feel out the positions of both sides before committing himself. 在采取行动前他试图先摸清双方的立场。
- She felt out of place among the foreigners. 在外国人中她觉得不自在。
- I felt out of place among foreigners. 在外国人当中我感到不自在。
- I felt out of place in their company. 我感觉与他们为伴不合适。
- He felt out his parents on that matter. 他摸清了他父母对那个问题的看法。
- I've been feeling out of it ever since I caught this terrible cold. 自从得了重感冒之後,我一直都不舒服。
- If you feel out of sorts,you may please yourself. 如果你感到不舒服,就请便吧。
- He felt out of place at the new school until one of the older pupils took him under his wing. 在有一位大一点的学生照料他以前,他在这所新学校里一直感到不适应。
- I feel out of my element talking about politics. 我不善于谈论政治。
- I'm leaving.I feel out of place being here. 我要走,我在这里觉得不自在。