- He lost his job and felt down in the dumps. 他失业了,感到有些精神沮丧。
- I've bee feeling down in the dumps. 我情绪非常低落。
- I burn midnight oil yesterday, so I feel down in the dumps today. 我昨晚上熬夜了,今天我打不起精神。
- I'm feeling down in the dumps these days; I think i need a holiday. 最近我一直闷闷不乐,我想我需要休假了。
- I'm feeling down in the dumps these days; I think need a holiday. 最近我一直闷闷不乐,我想我需要休假了。
- I burned midnight oil yesterday. So I feel down in the dumps today. 昨天我开了夜车,因此我今天感觉精神不太好。
- Susan felt down in the dumps after she lost her job and her boyfriend left her. 苏珊在丢了工作且男友也离开了她之后情绪很低落。
- She always feels down in the dumps after breaking up with a boyfriend. 她每次跟男朋友分手后,总是情绪低沉。
- Why have you been down in the dumps recently? 你最近怎么总是闷闷不乐?
- Kate was really feeling down in the dumps about her latest chemistry assignment. Kate为最近的化学作业成绩感到很沮丧。
- I've been down in the dumps lately. 我最近心情跌到了谷底。
- I am down in the dumps about the defeat. 由于失败,我沮丧极了。
- Miki is sure down in the dumps these days. 米基这些天的确有些闷闷不乐。
- Cheer up,mike,you look really down in the dumps. 高兴点,麦克,你看起来垂头丧气的。
- My wife has been down in the dumps all these days. 我妻子这几天总是闷闷不乐的样子。
- Cheer up ,Mike ,you look really down in the dump. 高兴点,麦克,你看起来垂头丧气的。
- You look really down in the dump. 你看起来垂头丧气的。
- Cheer up , mike , you look really down in the dump. 高兴点,麦克,你看起来垂头丧气的。
- He's one of those people who can't stand his own company. As soon as he finds himself alone he gets down in the dump. 他是一个不能独立处事的人,一旦发现自己独自一人时,他就会六神无主,可怜巴巴的。
- If they do feel down in the dumps though, they are also more likely to turn to a general practitioner rather than family for help. 如果他们确实感到抑郁,他们也更倾向于向普通科医师而不是家人求助。