- fellow astronaut trainees 特别宇航员受训者
- Mrs.Nowak considered her a rival for the affections of a fellow astronaut, Bill Oefelein, according to the affidavit. 据那份书面陈述,因为一名宇航员同事-比尔.;奥菲莱恩,诺瓦克女士将施普曼女士当成自己的情敌。
- Re-creation of Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11, taking a photo of fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin with a Hasselblad still camera. 电影模拟太阳神11号太空人杭思朗手持相机,拍摄同伴艾德灵。
- The astronaut accepted danger was part of the job. 太空人承认他们的工作中包含著危险。
- All the trainees checked out all right. 所有的受训人员都符合要求。
- My son's dream is to be an astronaut. 我儿子的理想是当宇航员。
- He is that kind of fellow who must be given hell. 他就是那种人,非得狠狠教训一顿才行。
- Do you know how an astronaut flies in a spacecraft? 你知道太空人是怎样乘太空船飞行的吗?
- He is an exceedingly tedious fellow. 他是一个非常令人生厌的家伙。
- All the seat-covers on the train had been torn by vandals. 列车上所有的椅套都被蓄意破坏者撕破了。
- He's a tricky fellow to do business with. 他诡计多端难以共事。
- The train is attacked by guerilla. 火车受到游击队的袭击。
- He always fought shy of the fellow. 他总是避开这家伙。
- A young fellow, dressed to kill, came. 一个穿着十分惹眼的小伙子走了过来。
- The boys were spitting out of the train window. 那些男孩子向火车窗外吐口水。
- Don't talk to me about that fellow. 别跟我谈起那个家伙。
- We've taken on our full complement of new trainees for this year. 我们今年招收的新学员已经满额了。
- In 1957 the Soviets put an astronaut into space. 一九五七年苏联人把一个太空人送进太空。
- Mary would rather travel by train than by plane. 玛丽宁可乘火车而不愿乘飞机旅行。
- Jack is a clever fellow in all conscience. 杰克的确是一个聪明的家伙。