- They feel strongly about the matter. 它们对此事反应强烈。
- This is something I feel strongly about. 这事令我感触颇深。
- Don't feel strongly about it one way or the other. 我不那么在乎是哪一个。
- We feel strongly that our products are the best. 我们强烈地感到我们的产品是最。
- They feel strongly about enforcing the new law. 他们对实施新法律持强硬态度。
- I feel strongly that I can make it. 我坚信我一定能成功。
- They felt strong indignation against their teacher. 他们对他们的老师感到强烈愤慨。
- I have no cramps and I feel strong. 我的手脚不会抽筋,我有的是力气。
- I do not feel strongly about it one way or the other. 我不那么在乎是哪一个。
- Many choose to sponsor causes they feel strongly about. 他们感到有一种强烈的责任感去选择赞助一些公益事业。
- I felt strongly that we should take some action. 我强烈地感到我们应当采取某种行动。
- I feel strongly about the illegitimacy problem in this country. 我对这个国家的违法现象问题深有感触。
- Felt warm and content; feels strongly about the election. 觉得温暖和满足; 对选举反应强烈
- To feel strongly on accasion shows pasonality;birds soon mock at the scarecrow. 有时候发发脾气也可以显示你的个性;就连小草也会嘲弄稻草人。
- The fervour of her speech showed she felt strongly. 她的话充满热诚,足见她有很深的感受。
- This is an issue I feel strongly about(= I have firm opinions about). 这个问题我坚持自己的看法。
- I feel strongly against allowing that kind of action in my classroom. 我对班上的那种行为抱强硬态度。
- They felt strong yearnings toward home. 他们封家乡有着强烈的思念之情。
- She felt strong anxiety for his safety. 她为他的安全感到强烈忧心。
- You should not tolerate your dog doing something you feel strongly against. 你不应该容许你的狗做你强烈不满的事。