- I assure you that you will feel no pain at all. 我保证你根本不会觉得疼的。
- If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain. 触碰蜡烛我也感觉不到疼痛。
- Why do I weep when my heart should feel no pain? 我为何哭泣,我心并不悲伤?
- One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. 音乐最美妙的事情就是,当你与他撞击的时候,你感受到的并不是疼痛。
- No,I assure you that you will feel no pain at all,I'll give you an anesthetic. 我保证您感觉不到疼,我给您一份麻醉药。
- After all that free beer,we were feeling no pain. 喝了那些免费供应的啤酒后,我们醉倒了。
- After a few drinks, the man felt no pain. 喝了一些酒之后, 那人便醉倒了。
- After a few drinks,the man felt no pain and began to act foolishly. 喝了一些酒之后,那人便醉了,开始做傻事。
- Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, And I ain't gon'feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain. 想象我在冲你微笑,你也微笑对我。
- Most of us were taught as children to take good care of inanimate objects, even though they feel no pain and have no moral sense. 多数人在小时候就被教导要照顾好无生命的物体--即便它们感受不到痛苦、没有道德感。
- Love at left, compassion at right, walking along life, spreading love everywhere, spreading all the time, comforting others and make them feel no pain and shat no more tears. “爱在左,同情在右,走在生命的两旁,随时撒种,随时开花,将这一径长途,点缀得花香弥漫,使穿枝拂叶的行人,踏着荆棘,不觉得痛苦,有泪可落,却不是悲凉。”
- In unity we feel no pain. 在团结中我不会感到痛苦。
- Six men who were feeling no pain were staggering down the street about one o'clock in the morning. 六个喝醉酒的人在大约凌晨一点的时候踉踉跄跄的走在大街上。
- Exhausted, Mahaduta fell back.He now felt no pain from his wounds, but his life was ebbing away. 摩诃都塔精疲力竭地向后仰,但并非感觉伤口疼痛,而是已走到人生的尽头了。
- He uses a knife to pierce into his arm, but no blood flows from it, and then the wound healed quickly. He even feels no pain. 他用匕首刺进了自己的手臂,可是竟然没有鲜血流出,伤口又迅速愈合,甚至连一点点痛的感觉都没有。
- I have no body and I feel no pain 我没有肉体;我感觉不到痛苦
- I assure you that you will feel no pain at all 我保证你根本不会觉得疼的。
- I feel no hostility towards anyone. 我对任何人均无敌意。
- We will spare no pain to support you. 我们将全力以赴支持你们。
- I felt no pain at all. 我根本没感到痛。