- feedc collet 料夹
- Collet was flabbergasted by Sophie Neveu's bravado. 科莱被虚张声势的索菲蒙住了。
- Collet could not believe his ears. 科莱简直不相信自己的耳朵。
- "That must be how Langdon got here," Collet said. 科莱说:“兰登肯定是坐这辆车来的。
- God knows he needs the pension, Collet thought. 老天爷知道,他需要这份退休金,科莱想。
- Collet tried to imagine how this could happen. 科莱拼命地想象这件事情是如何发生的。
- "My name is Lieutenant Jerome Collet. 他说英语有很重的口音。
- Motion of collet reliable, never sticking to chuck. 推卸弹性夹套绝对动作可靠,永不失效。
- The collet shall be renewed when it is gravely oxidated. 如果夹头有严重氧化时应换新的。
- Smaller taper angle of collet, larger clamping power. 弹性套锥形角更小,故夹紧力更大。
- Collet is fluently bilingual in French/English, has a B. 科莱是双语流利法文/英文,具有学士学位。
- Collet was fairly certain something else was going on here. 可是科莱总觉得此事另有蹊跷。
- Collet ran over and saw oil stains on the stall floor. 科莱跑过去,看到地上沾有油迹。
- Select collet of working piece, which match the size of pearl. 选择与珍珠规格相配的工件夹头。
- Below the fuselage----Make and Install Elevator pull rod and collet. 机身下面-升降舵拉杆及夹头的制作与安装。
- As they neared the final bedroom, Collet could see the door was wide open. 他们靠近了最后的那个卧室,科莱看到房门洞开着。
- Open/Close the collet chuck and keep spraying until no more dirty come out . /不断按夹头开/关钮,并喷入防锈剂直到没有污渍油流出为止.
- For your convenience of collet your goods, we have changed the gross number. 现在我们为了配合您取货,在此修改了箱单的毛重。
- All evening, Collet had sensed an atypical intensity in his captain. 整个晚上,科莱都感到局长有一种不同于往常的紧张心情。
- Put these two-elevator push rod out from the side back of the fuselage, then fix it with plastic U collet. 将此两根升降舵连杆钢丝从机身后部侧面开口中伸出后再拧上塑料U形夹头。