- feedback genetic mechanism 反馈遗传机制
- After studying the macroscopic and microcosmic features, the authors discussed the genetic mechanism of the conglomerate. 在研究该砾岩宏观和微观特徵的基础上,认为其形成机制为伸展机制下的构造拆离。
- The genetic mechanism of immature-low mature oils is explained using theories of chaos and dissipative structure in microphysics. 摘要从微观物理的角度,应用混沌理论和耗散结构理论来解释未成熟-低成熟石油的成因问题。
- Volcanic caves mainly are lava tube type?pyrodastic type cave and volcanic-intrusive cave,with different genetic mechanism and high value of tourism. 火山洞穴主要是指火山熔岩型洞穴,除此之外,还有构造-差异风化洞穴和火山侵入岩崩塌堆叠型洞穴。
- Objective To observe cytogenetic and molecular genetic mechanism of acute promyelocytic leukemia(APL) switching to acute monocytic leukemia (AML-M5). 目的探讨儿童急性早幼粒细胞白血病(APL)治疗后转为急性单核细胞白血病(AML-M5)的细胞遗传学和分子遗传学机制。
- The genetic mechanism includes capillary condensation and mixed water dolomitization, of which the latter one predominates in the study area. 羌塘盆地白云岩的成因与毛细管浓缩作用和混合水白云化作用有关。
- The rare agate-like structure of diamond is first discovered in Mengyin area, Shandong Province, China and its characteristics and genetic mechanism are discussed. 利用该技术首次发现蒙阴金刚石中罕见的“似玛瑙状”生长结构,并分析了该典型结构的特征和生长机制。
- Enlightened from dome hydrothermal genetic mechanism,speculated that in this region and neighboring areas will be large or small thermal dome structures existed. 由小穹隆的热液成因机制启示,在本区及附近区域会有大小不等的热穹隆构造存在。
- By using drilling and regional geological data, this paper studies the genetic mechanism and geological significance of Mazhai detachment fault in Dongpu depression. 本文运用钻井、区域地质等资料,对东濮凹陷马寨滑脱断层的形成机制及其地质意义进行了研究。
- The structural deformation and genetic mechanism of the Qingping klippe in central Longmen Mountains are examined based on the field observation and indoor analysis. 摘要在野外考察、室内分析的基础上对清平飞来峰的构造特征、形成机制进行了研究。
- The theoretic basis for genetic mechanism of immature oil and the theoretic model for organic negentropy reaction in microscopic mechanism of hydrocarbon generation are presented. 首先确立微观物理解释未成熟石油成因的理论依据和微观成烃机理的“有机质负熵反应”理论模式;
- Abstract BACKGROUND AND AIM: To screen the marker genes related to oral leukoplakia,laying foundation for the research in the genetic mechanism of oral leukoplakia. 摘要 背景与目的: 筛查与口腔白斑发生相关的阳性表达基因,为探究口腔白斑的发生机制奠定基础。
- According to the tectonic setting and minefield structural features analyses,considered that the genetic mechanism of Hanxiecun small dome structure in Yaoshan minefield is a diapiric thermal dome. 根据区域构造背景及井田构造特征分析,认为尧山井田韩解村小穹隆构造的成因机制为底辟式热穹隆构造。
- Modern genetic mechanisms, including informational macromolecules have not always existed in their present form. 目前的信息大分子为中心的遗传机制,从历史的观点看不大可能一开始便以现存的形式见诸于世。
- Biochemical genetic mechanisms of resistance to dimehypo and cartap in diamondback moth, Plotella xylostella L. 小菜蛾对沙蚕毒素类杀虫剂抗性的生化遗传分析。
- Biochemical genetic mechanisms of resistance to dimehypo and cartap in diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. 小菜蛾对杀虫双和杀螟丹抗性的生化遗传分析。
- Unable to reproduce outside a living cell, viruses reproduce only by subverting the genetic mechanisms of a host cell. 病毒不能在正常细胞以外复制自己,而只能通过利用正常细胞的基因机制复制。
- Based on the petrological and petrochemical features of this rock suite,this paper deals preliminarily with the possible tectonic environment and genetic mechanism of the volcanic rocks in question. 本文在讨论了鸡笼嶂组火山岩的岩石学、岩石化学特征基础上,对火山岩形成的构造环境及成因机制作了初步探讨。
- On this basis, the genetic mechanism and evolution of the deposit are detailed analysed.It is defined that the deposit is a metamorphic hydrothermal mesothermal altered gold deposit. 并在此基础上,对矿床的成因机制及其演化过程作了详细分析,确定该矿床为中高温变质热液蚀变岩型金矿床。
- The feedback from the computer enables us to update the program. 计算机的反馈能使我们更新程序。