- The seedling was frozen to death. 幼苗被冻死了。
- The slave was strapped to death. 这个奴隶被鞭打死。
- The murderer was shot to death at a word. 谋杀者立刻被一枪打死。
- The criminal was condemned to death. 这个罪犯被判死刑。
- He was clubbed to death with a butt of a gun. 他是被人用枪托殴打致死的。
- The burglar was sentenced to death. 那个窃贼被判死刑。
- The joke has been flogged to death. 这个笑话已经说得令人生腻了。
- The murderer was sentenced to death. 杀人犯被判处死刑。
- An old woman was found choked to death. 发现一个老妇人被掐死了。
- He was beaten to death by thugs. 他被暴徒殴打致死。
- There is no entrance fee to the gallery. 这个美术陈列馆不收门票。
- Is there any fee to upgrade the plan I'm on? 升级当前的计划需另付设置费吗?
- He seems hell-bent on drinking himself to death. 他拚命喝酒,似乎连命都不要了。
- Mary, Queen of Scots, was put to death in1587. 苏格兰王后玛丽于1587年被处死。
- Visa fee to be remitted in cash. 请以现金支付签证费。
- There is no fee to visit the Smithsonian museums. 去史密森尼博物馆参观不需要付费。
- The victim was smothered to death. 受害人被窒息致死。
- The man was stabbed to death in his office. 这男士在办公室里被刺身亡。
- Remove an old tree and it will wither to death. [谚]老树移栽活不了,老人迁居命不长。
- He was trampled to death by an elephant. 他被一只大象踩死。