- feed A with B 向A供给B, 向A提供B
- I pity anyone who has to feed a family on such a low income. 我同情任何需要以如此微薄的收入养活全家的人。
- As an actor, A is not in the same class with B. 作为演员而论,甲不如乙。
- We don't want hacky installation instructions like "open file X, find line Y, replace A with B, ... 我们不希望看到类似"打开文件X,找到第Y行,将A替换为B ...
- A is independent of B.A does not vary with B. 自己翻译的,很标准的(我可是接受英文教学的),希望答案对你有用。
- The outstanding issues can signed a supplemental agreement after common consult A with B, the supplemental agreement has the same legal effect as this contract. 未尽事宜由甲乙双方共同协商后拟定条款签订补充协议,补充协议与本合同具有同等法律效力。
- They usually feed a moist mash to fowls. 他们通常用谷糠煮成的湿饲料喂养家禽。
- A and B are in love with each other.; A falls in love with B. 甲与乙恋爱。
- It is sufficient to feed a hundred men. 这足够供养一百个人的。
- He feed a lawyer to act for him. 他雇律师代表他。
- The turkey is large enough to feed a dozen. 那只火鸡大得足够十二个人吃
- What do you feed a sumo wrestler? 相扑选手吃什么?
- A With block is not an iterative construction. With块不是迭代构造。
- I have to feed a family of five. 我不得不养活五口之家。
- inspire A with B; encourage A with B 把B灌输给A
- He is a with great verve solomon. 他是一个具有大气魄的聪明人。
- associate...with B ; think of A with B 因A连想B
- compare A with B; compare A and B 比较A和B
- Associate A with B ; think of A with B 因A连想B
- Furnish A with B; provide A with B 把B供给A