- She charged only a nominal fee for her work. 她为所做的工作只收取象征性的费用。
- B: Oh, I am applying for immigration to Canada. (噢,我在申请移民加拿大。)
- Kupang (Malaysia) for immigration clearance. 到了大士关口办理 行程出入进手续。
- We charge a small fee for our service. 我们的各项服务收费都不高。
- The fee for the concert is two dollars. 音乐会的票价是两块钱。
- Set-up fee for Macao offshore company. 澳门离岸公司之设立费。
- We charge a flat fee for our services. 我们收取定额服务费。
- A fee for instruction, especially at a formal institution of learning. 学费尤指正式学习机构中用于教育的费用
- There is no processing fee for an appeal. 上诉无需支付审理费。
- Relative fee for fire-fighting facility? 消防设施配套费?
- Doctors and lawyers charge a fee for their service. 医生和律师提供服务是要收费的。
- Departure card - the card a passenger fills out for immigration. 出境卡,出境旅客交给移民局出入境检查台的表格。
- Does BOOM charge me any fee for withdrawing funds? 我要提取资金,BOOM会收取费用吗?
- Check out my website for immigration VISA for U.S.A. 偶做的关于签证的网站。
- Is there a maintenance fee for this building? 这栋大楼有管理费吗?
- Commission fee for withdrawing principal is 5%. 取回本金收取5%25的手续费。
- Pass ACS assemssment at first, and then apply for immigration. 如果我不想通过中介,我应该怎样做评估呢?整个流程是怎样的呢?
- The fee for the membership of the club is $20. 这俱乐部的会费是20美元。
- You can expect to pay a fee for this service. 你可以预期这一服务付费.
- And how about the fee for the service? 服务费是多少?