- favorite sentence form 常用句形式
- Each step shows the sentential form. 每步都列出一个句型。
- No error, "have..but to do.." is a sentential form. 很遗憾;我们毫无选择;只能让你走.
- After we study it, we found the double objects were the special sentence form of the sentence formed by trivalent verbs in which with three semantic components existing. 经分析后,我们发现双宾句是三价动词和其所必需的三个语义成分一起构成的一种特殊句式,但结构比由三价动词形成的其它句式更为紧凑。
- Guru Chen used to choose some of his favorite sentences from among his own poems, and then had them carved into seals. 往昔陈上师常从他的诗作中挑出他喜欢的句子,然后请人将之刻成印章。
- Use colored pens to mark your own personal favorite sentences in each book. See how many different situations your can imagine to use them. 在每本书中用不同颜色的笔标出你自己喜欢的句子,想象有多少不同的场合可以使用它们。
- This article explains the meanings of sufficient condition sentences and the their functions and rhetoric effects by analyzing the sentence form of "If P, then Q". 通过对“只要P,就Q”句式分析,准确解释和理解充分条件的含义,了解这一句式的语用功能及修辞作用等。
- A parse of a sentential form is the construction of a derivation and possibly a syntax tree for it. 句型的分析是某个推导(或许是其语法树)的构造过程。
- This sentence doesn't make sense. 这个句子没有意义。
- The college library is a favorite haunt. 大学图书馆是人们喜欢的地方。
- Apply the substitution test to determine which of the bracketed sequencs in the following sentences form constituents. 用替代字句测试的方法来决定; 下例句子中哪些被括弧起来的系列形成句子的要素(句子有作用的部分).
- The young girls swooned when they saw their favorite pop singer. 年轻的女孩子们一看见她们最喜欢的流行歌星就神魂颠倒起来。
- You can find this sentence in the Holy Bible. 你可以在圣经上找到这句话。
- If a sentential form is ambiguous, then it has more than one syntax tree and therefore, in general, more than one handle. 如果句型是二义性的,那末,它不只有一棵语法树,因此,一般地说,也不只有一个句柄。
- It is a fact that I have written this sentence. 我写了这个句子是事实。
- Can you translate the sentence into English? 你能把这句话翻译成英语吗?
- In class he descanted on his favorite writer. 课堂上他详细论述了自己喜爱的作家。
- Riding is her favorite occupation. 骑马是她最喜欢的消遣。
- That sentence suddenly illumined her. 那句话突然启发了她。
- The typical sentential form in Chinese is: "subject + predicate + object ", On the contrary, the word order in Japanese sentences is: "subject + object + predicate ". 汉语中最典型的句型格式为“主+谓+宾(SOV)”,日语最典型的句型格式则为“主+宾+谓(SVO)”。