- A man without a favorite author is a lost soul. 人如无一个心爱之作家,则是迷失的灵魂。
- Mark Twain is my favorite author. 马克吐温是我最喜爱的作家。
- Wordsworth is my most favorite author. 渥兹华斯是我最欣赏作家。
- Mark Twain is his favorite author. 马克•吐温是他最喜爱的作家。
- My favorite author is Mercedes Lackey. 你最喜爱的作者或书有哪些?
- One's favorite author or literary lover is pollen for his soul. 一人的心爱作家或“文学情人”,就是其灵魂之花粉。
- It must be Mary's. Hemingway is her favorite author. 肯定是玛丽的。海明威是她最喜爱的作家。
- Lu Xun and Lu Yao are my favorite authors. 我最喜欢鲁迅和路遥。
- I remember looking at that time favorite author, is Russia's Gogol (N. 记得当时最爱看的作者,是俄国的果戈理(N.
- Dickens is his favorite author. 狄更斯是他最喜欢的作家、
- It is only this kind of reading,this discovery of one's favorite author,that will do one any good at all. 只有这种读书方法,只有这种发见自己所爱好的作家的读书方法,才有益处可言。
- A favorite author exists in the world for every man,only he hasn't taken the trouble to find him. 人人在世上皆有其心爱的作家,惟不用点工夫去寻耳。
- I regard the discovery of one's favorite author as the most critical event in one's intellectual development. 我认为,一个人发现他最爱好的作家,乃是他的知识发展上最重要的事情。
- Give him a first-edition book by his favorite author. Give her a book signed by her favorite author. 送他一本他喜欢的作家的首发版书或者是被其签过名的书。
- Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other thro ugh their favorite author. 假如拥有共同喜爱的作家,人们可以借此沟通思想感情。
- Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. 人们可以通过共同爱好的作家沟通思想感情,彼此息息相通。
- One has to be independent and search out his masters. Who is one's favorite author,no one can tell,probably not even the man himself. 一个人必须独立自主去寻出他的老师来,没有人知道谁是你最爱好的作家,也许甚至你自己也不知道。
- The book is a truer and higher bond of union.Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. 书是更为坚实而高尚的情谊纽带.;人们可以通过共同爱好的作家沟通思想感情;彼此息息相通。
- For help, Nim turns to her favorite author, Alex Rover, an Indiana Jones type whose books about his rough-and-tumble adventures are international bestsellers. 尼姆向她最喜爱的作家,A.;R寻求帮助,A
- The college library is a favorite haunt. 大学图书馆是人们喜欢的地方。