- I'll rustle up some eggs and bacon for you. 我给你弄些鸡蛋和腌猪肉。
- We had bacon and eggs for breakfast. 我们早饭吃熏肉和蛋。
- That play was wrongly attributed to Bacon. 那个剧本被错误地认为是培根的作品。
- My doctor told me to avoid fatty foods such as bacon or hamburgers. 我的医生叫我避免吃油腻的食物,如咸肉或汉堡包。
- Lean meat is healthier for you than fatty meat. 对你来说,瘦肉比肥肉更有利於健康。
- The traditional breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs. 这个地区传统的早饭包括火腿和鸡蛋。
- fatty bacon 很肥的腌猪肉.
- I convert the crisp fat in Joe's breakfast bacon into fatty acids and glycerol. 我把乔早餐吃的熏肉中的脆肥肉转变成脂肪酸和甘油。
- I was nearly bankrupt, but your loan saved my bacon. 我已濒於破产,是你借给我的钱使我幸免於难。
- Danish bacon has a reputation second only to the butter. 丹麦猪肉的名声仅次于牛油。
- Pork or bacon cut from between the ham and shoulder of a pig. 肋条肉猪的腿与肩之间切下的肉或用这类肉腌成的腌肉
- She likes to lard the chicken with some bacon. 她喜欢在鸡肉里加点腌猪肉。
- The doctor advised him specifically not to eat fatty food. 医生特别劝他不要吃多脂肪的食物。
- I saved my bacon by arriving just in time for the meeting. 我刚好及时到会,才算没受责备。
- Some people like fatty meat, whereas others hate it. 有些人喜欢肥肉,而有些人却不喜欢。
- I'll plump for bacon and eggs rather than breakfast cereal. 我宁愿吃咸肉和鸡蛋,而不愿吃谷类制作的早餐食品。
- We split a fat into glycerol and fatty acids. 我们把脂肪分解为甘油和脂肪酸。
- Bacon dedicated to the King a paper. 培根向国王递呈了一份奏章。
- They dubbed him Fatty because of his size. 因为他个子大,人们便称他为胖子。
- Would you like ham or bacon with your eggs? 您想在鸡蛋里面放火腿还是咸肉呢?