- The rate of fat children was 2.1%. 肥胖儿童发生率为2.;1%25。
- The witch loved nothing more than to eat juicy, fat children. 巫婆最喜欢吃肥胖多汁的小孩了。
- To serve fat children, we introduce big-size jackets and trousers dedicatedly designed for them.Welcome to our shop. 为了体贴没尺寸的胖小孩,特别引进专为他们设计的衣服、裤子,欢迎来店选购。
- The platelet aggregating reactions of simple fat children with hyperlipoproteinemia were increasing,which was possibly related to increase of TC,LDL-C and decrease of HDL 2-C. 高脂血症的肥胖儿童血小板聚集反应增强,似与其TC、LDL-C增高及HDL2-C含量下降有关
- We should soon see an honest Emulation among the married women, which of them could bring the fattest Child to the Market. 我们很便可看到已婚妇女中的诚实竞争,看谁能养出最胖的孩子送到市场去。
- It is wrong of you to bully the child. 你不该欺侮那个孩子。
- The child was tired and fretful. 那孩子又疲倦又烦躁不安。
- According to the current appraisable standard, the rate of fat children and juvenile for male was 2.86%, while for female, 4.0%. It was obvious that the rate of occurrence for female is higher than that for male(P<0.05). 根据现行评价标准得出了儿童少年肥胖发生率男性2.;86%25;女性4
- He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他给鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。
- The chair sagged down under the fat man's weight. 椅子经这胖人一坐便压弯了。
- Too much wining and dining is making him fat. 他酒宴过多而身体发胖。
- The obstetrician delivered the child. 产科医生替这个孩子接生。
- He tried to soothe the crying child. 他试着去哄那个在哭的孩子。
- He has an inclination to stoutness/to be fat. 他有发福[发胖]的趋势。
- It's a real hassle to get this child to eat. 使这孩子吃东西,真要费九牛二虎之力。
- A fat chance he has of winning the title! 他夺得冠军的希望极渺茫!
- He rescued a drowning child holding on to a plank. 他救起了一个紧紧抓住一块木板的溺水的孩子。
- The tight jumper only accentuated his fat stomach. 那件紧身套头毛衣反更突出了他那肥胖的肚子。
- If you hit the child again, you'll have me to reckon with. 如果你再打孩子,我就要插手这事了。
- A swine over fat is the cause of his own bane. 猪因壮死(象以齿焚)。