- fast breeder type reactor 快中子增殖型堆
- liquid metal fast breeder reactor type reactor 液态金属快中子增殖型堆
- fast breeder type FBR 快中子增殖型堆
- The conclusion is that any HTGR or their combinaton system can not replace fast breeder reactor. 结论是:无论何种高温气冷堆及其它的组合体系,都不能代替快堆。
- Fast breeder reactors are in a calss by themselves. 快速反应堆有自己属性。
- A mathematical model is developed for large leak sodium-water reaction (WSR) in steam generator of LMFBR (Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor). 本文建立了钠冷快堆蒸汽发生器大泄漏钠-水反应的数学模型。
- Along with the development of nuclear power technology in china,it is necessary to develop the fast breeder reactor(fast reactor)through own efforts. 随着我国核电技术的发展,自主研制钠冷快中子增殖堆十分必要。
- A three dimensional model for fluid flow and heat transfer in sodium pool of a fast breeder reactor(FBR) is built on mass, momentum and energy conservation laws. 针对快中子增殖反应堆钠池的流动传热特点,以质量、动量、能量守恒定律为基础,建立有关快堆钠池流动传热的三维数学模型。
- Along with the development of nuclear power technology in china, it is necessary to develop the fast breeder reactor (fast reactor) through own efforts. 摘要随着我国核电技术的发展,自主研制钠冷快中子增殖堆十分必要。
- The conclusions of this thesis have significant engineering reference value for the design, operation and safety analysis of Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR). 本论文工作对于快堆的设计、运行和安全分析具有较大的工程应用价值。
- A special code is programmed to analyze and calculate waterhammer resulted from rapid opening or closing of valve in the experimental sodium circus of fast breeder reactor(FBR). 沸腾是钠冷快堆安全分析工作中必须要考虑的一个问题,而堵流是众多导致发生沸腾原因中十分重要的一个。
- The results show that the new type reactor could degrade benzamide efficiently. 研究表明,该反应器可有效降解苯甲酰胺。
- A physical and thermohydraulic general estimate for the core of 25MW Lead Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor (LCFBR) has been carried out. The estimated result was compared with that of Sodium Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor (SCFBR) at the same power. 对25 MW电功率铅冷快增殖堆堆芯进行了物理和热工水力概算,并将计算结果与相同功率的钠冷快增 殖堆的结果进行了分析比较。
- How do fast breeder reactors differ from regular nuclear power plants? 快速滋生反应器和核能发电厂有什麽不同?
- light water breeder reactor type reactor 轻水增殖型堆
- The structure of pool-type fast breeder reactor (FBR) is quite simplified in order that the calculation model may both be reflecting the structural dynamic characteristics and convenient to compute it. 试图对池式快堆结构作较大简化,使计算简图既能反应堆结构的动力特性,又能使计算简便可行。
- The assemblies in Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) core are deformed and shock each other under the earthquake.At the same time the fuel will be relocated, which results in variation of core reactivity. 快堆堆芯在地震激励下各组件相互碰撞,组件发生各种变形,活性区燃料在空间的分布也发生变化,从而导致堆芯物理反应性的变化。
- In order to produce valuable chemicals and electric energy at the same time, fuel cell type reactor (FCR) has been proposed. 燃料电池反应器是一种既能生产有价值化学品,又能同时发电的新型单元操作装置。
- Abstract: In a severe accident in a liquid metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR), molten material will flow into cooler structures and solidify, which will influence the continuing accident scenario. 文章摘要: 在快中子增殖反应堆的事故中,熔融物流经温度比较低的结构时会发生冻结,冻结的具体位置和时间对事故的发展影响较大。
- A comparison between ordinary conventional jacketed reactor and the spiral half-tubing jacketed reactor and the use of this new type reactor in the author's plant. 本文介绍了90年代引进的国外螺旋半管式夹套反应釜与国内普通夹套反应釜相比之特点及在该厂生产中的运行情况。