- fascia buccinator 颊肌筋膜
- Install fascia onto bumper assembly. 将仪表板安装在保险杆组合上。
- Including deep fascia of neck and musculas p... 包括颈阔肌、颈深筋膜的彻底松解是手术成功的关键。
- Disengage fascia from hooks on bottom of front fenders. 将仪表板从前挡泥板底部的挂钩上取下。
- The superficial branch lies outside the anterior prostatic fascia. 浅表支走在前列腺筋膜前层的外表面。
- The lower fascia splitter is punctuated by two fairings. 较低的筋膜分离器是由两个整流罩打断。
- The buccinator muscle and its vasculars and nerve were revealed and observed. 显露颊肌及其血管和神经。
- Install plastic rivets to hold bottom of rear fascia to bumper reinforcement. 将固定后面板在保险杆加强组件的塑胶铆钉安装好。
- The breast tissue is dissected posteriorly to the pectoralis muscle and fascia. 将乳房组织向后剥离至胸肌和胸肌筋膜。
- Install bolts to hold fascia to headlamp mounting panel at each side of grille. 将固定面板在风栅两侧头灯固定板的螺栓安装好。
- The methods of tendon or fascia fixation and bone grafting are discussed here. 本章主要介绍肌腱和筋膜固定方法及骨移植。
- Install push-in fasteners holding fascia to quarter panel at wheelwell opening. 安装将面板紧固到车轮井开口的四分之一扇形盘上的推进式固定件。
- Install push-in fasteners holding trunk lid slam bumpers to top of fascia. 安装将行李厢盖沿保险杆紧固到面板顶部上的推进式固定件。
- Install push-in fastener holding center of fascia to rear closure panel. 安装中心面板紧固到后罩盘上的推进式固定件。
- The risorius and the buccinator muscles assist in the retraction of the lips, as well as support entrapment of air within the oral cavity. 笑肌和颊肌帮助唇的收缩,也支撑了整个口腔的气体流通。
- It pierces the popliteal fascia,and lack to the popliteal veins (42.86%). 小隐静脉以单支注入腘静脉占42.;86+9
- Objective: To provide anatomical basis for the design of new buccinator myomucosal island flap. 目的:阐明颊肌的血液供应,为新型颊肌粘膜瓣设计提供解剖学基础。
- The breast tissue is dissected posteriorly to the pectoral muscle and fascia. 将乳房组织向后剥离至胸肌和胸肌筋膜。
- When the patient shuts up, buccinator is very flabby, reason quarrel is flagging. 患者闭嘴时,颊肌极为松弛,故口角下垂。
- The appearance and function were better in fascia lata flap than in skin flap. 用皮瓣修复的病例在外观及功能上不如筋膜瓣满意。