- The farming area is centered largely in the south. 农业区大部分集中在南方。
- Fig.9: Damages to vegetables caused by Meloidogyne incognita at vegetable specialty farming area. 图九、蔬菜专业区遭南方根瘤线虫危害之菜圃。
- The passing-by water bodies in animal farming area was often heavily polluted by NH4(superscript +)-N. 畜禽养殖场附近的河流受养殖污水的影响,水体的氮素污染最为严重,尤其是铵态氮负荷最高;
- The best approach is probably a very hard endgame farming area balanced to require at least one defensive skill, but not all of them. 最大的变化估计是非常困难去选择最终副本区域所需要的防御技能,但这是仅仅其中的一个。
- The Haidai region, which lies in the lower Yellow and Huai River Valley, was mainly a millet planting dry farming area in the early Neolithic period. 地处黄淮下游的海岱地区,新石器时代偏早时期是以种植粟类作物为主的旱作农业区。
- Now, biological mulching technology has become a set of complete agricultural technology system with very many remarkable profits in dry farming area. 经过连续多年的应用,山西省的生物覆盖技术已经成为一套完整的技术体系,成为早作农业技术中增产效果十分显著的一项现代覆盖农业技术。
- The thirteen-year-old was taken to a remote farm area and police say he was able to untie his hands and walked to get help. 警察说这个13岁的男孩在被带到了一个偏远的农田区后,能够自己解开双手并徒步寻求救援。
- Market analysis: The reeds shoot faming in Qugou is well developed.The reeds shoot farming area reaches 3000mu.And can get reeds shoot 30 thousand kg a year. 市场分析: 渠沟乡的芦笋种植业,经过几年的发展已初具规模,芦笋种植面积已达3000 亩,年产芦笋300万公斤。
- ON A dirt road in Weipe, a farming area in South Africa on the banks of the Limpopo river about 60km (37 miles) west of the busy Beitbridge border post, a few cars are waiting. 维普(Weipe)是坐落于南非境内林波波河岸的一个农场区,繁杂的拜特布里奇(Beitbridge)边境向西行使六十公里(三十七英里)就能到达这个地方。然而现在,这个地方的一条路上却停着一些轿车在等待着什么。
- In most of the large farming areas there were semi-professional singers. 在上述大多数地区,都有半职业性的民歌手
- LOS ANGELES, Aug 31(AP) -- The U.S. Forest Service says a wildfire has forced evacuations and is threatening 2,000 homes in a scenic farm area of San Bernardino County. 美联社8月31日洛杉矶报道,美国农业局说森林着火威胁着风景优美的2000户圣贝纳迪诺县的农场。人民被迫强行撤离。
- Another study headed by Swan found that men with low sperm counts living in a rural farming area of Missouri had elevated levels of herbicides (such as alachlor and atrazine) in their urine. 史万还有另一项研究,她在美国密苏里州的农村地区发现,精虫数目较少的男性,其尿液含有较多的除草剂,例如拉草和草脱净。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。
- Distribution of antagonistic actinomycetes on different mulching models and maize root in China's Northwest dry farming area was studied by the method of normal isolating and agar block. 摘要采用常规分离培养和琼脂块拮抗性测定法,研究了西北旱作农业区不同覆盖条件和根系对玉米田土壤中拮抗性放线菌分布的影响。
- Build 40 acres of North Bridge chai dairy farming area, the number of dairy cattle to reach 1200, San Lu Group marriage in a positive and build Milking the Office of mechanization. 建成40亩北桥寨奶牛养殖小区,奶牛数量达到1200头,积极和三鹿集团联姻,建成机械化挤奶厅。
- Colonies of red imported fire ants can be found in cities as well as farming areas. 在城市里、农场里都可以看到入侵者红火蚁。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- Such events are particularly associated with hill farming areas, where sheep range widely on largely unfenced land. 这类赛事经常举行于山农区,在那里羊只广为散布于大面积的没有围栏的草地。
- There was still acute unrest in the farm areas, especially in the Western Middle West. 在农业区域特别是偏西的中西部,仍有激烈的骚动。
- He subdivided the farm into building lots. 他把农地再分为若干块的建筑用地。