- The school is situated just outside the town. 学校就位于镇子的外面。
- Details of the election will be posted outside the town hall. 选举的详情将贴在市政厅外。
- Outside the town the road commenced to mount. 出了镇子这条路开始上坡。
- The car gained speed when it was outside the town. 汽车驶出城区后便加快了速度。
- Outside the Town of Silk, 'neath cypress towering. 锦官城外柏森森。
- Outside the town there are many islands and reefs. 城外有很多岛屿、礁石。
- The glass works is outside the town. 玻璃厂在城外。
- The two armies clashed outside the town. 两军在城外交锋。
- That very day a gallows was built outside the town. 就在那天,城外竖起了一个绞刑台。
- Outside the town the road commenced to mount . 出了镇子这条路开始上坡。
- The roads cross just outside the town. 这些道路正好在城外交叉。
- The trail starts just outside the town. 足迹从刚出城的地方开始。
- The ski slop was situated just outside the town. 滑雪场就坐落在市郊。
- The two armies clashed outside the town . 两军在城外交锋。
- VERBAL had promised great seats and a super show, but I was more concerned about the crowds, the general chaos and being far outside the core demographic. 口头许诺伟大席位和一个超级表演,但我更关心的人群,一般混乱,远远超过外界的核心人口。
- National parks transport visitors far outside the confines of routine existence, to awe-inspiring realms of mystery and splendor, governed by forces beyond our control. 国家公园让游人摆脱日常状态,被超然力量带入一种令人肃然起敬的神秘与辉煌的境界中。
- Graves appellation is located just outside the town of Bordeaux. 格拉夫的地理位置就在波尔多小镇的外围。
- Although neutral HVCs do not appear to be dispersed throughout the Local Group, other types of high-velocity gas may be.The highly ionized gas in one HVC lies far outside the Milky Way. 虽然中性的HVC看来是不会在本星系群内四处流窜,但其他类型的高速气体则有此可能。
- The frogs in the fields outside the town were croaking cheerfully. 青蛙在城郊田野里起劲地叫着。
- Six miles outside the town,Lord Bothwell met us,with an army. 在出城镇6英里的地方,博思韦尔勋爵带着一支队伍在那里迎候我。