- far field equation 远场方程
- The far field eddy current testing system for trial was developed. 建立了试验远场涡流检测系统。
- In this paper, a three-dimensional paleo-geotemperature field equation of sedimentary basin and its initial and boundary conditions are established. 为较真实地反映沉积盆地古地温的变化情况,建立了适用于不同岩性的沉积盆地地层的古地温度场方程及其定解条件;
- The acoustic wave impedance coefficient is recovered from the incomplete data of the far field pattern. 对于系数反问题进行了研究,利用远场模式的不完全数据反演声波阻尼系数。
- The near and far field properties of line current of arbitrary shape is demonstrated in this example. 本例以赫芝电偶极电磁场合成之近似结果,验证偶极天线远场及近场之特性。
- And the target electric field equation at the position of the detector and sketchof several typical variation of the electric field of the target are shown in this paper. 并给出探测器处目标电场方程及几种典型变化示意图。
- The pattern and/or image of electric and/or magnetic field of an electric Hertzian dipole in the near and far field. 赫芝电偶极在远近场区中之电场与磁场之场型及影像。
- The Eelctromagnetic Field and Power Density Vectors on Spheres in Near to Far Field from Time Harmonic Currents. 弦变电流源在近场至远场球面上之向量电磁场及向量功率密度。
- Under the condition of far field, pseudorandom diffusers have good diffusion characteristics. 摘要在远场条件下,伪随机序列扩散体具有良好的扩散特性。
- Far field spatial intensity structures are result from the diffraction of sharing gratings. 远场光强的空间结构是由共享光栅组合衍射引起的。
- For high intensity laser beam with center obscuration, beam quality far field measurement method is used presently. 目前对于较强的带遮拦光束采用光束质量远场测试法。
- The larger truncation ratio, the larger relative increment of peak energy of beam in far field. 切断比越大,强度峰值的相对增量也越大。
- We will discuss a new theory of gravitation, in which the field equation of gravitation is similar to Maxwell equations. 它的引力场方程与电磁理论的麦克斯韦方程十分相似。
- The far field shows the radiation of a single small electric dipole for groups of straight currents in a small region. 小型直线电流群在远场呈现单一电偶极之辐射。直线电流之沿线方向无辐射。
- Reconstruction Method of Far Field Laser Energy Measured with Calorimetric Array[J]. 引用该论文 刘峰;吴振森;谢永杰;王立君.
- Verification of differences of characteristics of electromagnetic field image and radiation pattern in the near and far field are demonstrated. 验证电磁场影像及场型特性在近场与远场中之差异。
- The radiation pattern in the near and far field of each frequency component of the spectrum of current pulse on a transmission line. 传输线上脉波电流频谱中各频率成份在远近场区中场型之比较。
- Application to the inducted and radiated field patterns from near to far field of line currents of arbitrary shape are demonstrated. 并应用于显示任意线电流源之感应及辐射场强由近场至远场之变化。
- At the same time,the far field conditions of infinite plate and far field and edges conditions of SSSS plate is given for using the method. 同时给出了利用此方法的无限板上的远场条件和周边简支板的远场条件和边界条件。
- Physical Solution of Electromagnetic Field Equation 电磁场方程的物理解法