- Yes,I want to be a famous scholar. 有,我想当一名出色的学者。
- He grew up to be a famous scholar. 他长大的时候成了有名的学者。
- He's considered to be a famous scholar abroad. 他算得上是海外知名学者。
- Our school dined the famous scholar. 我们学校宴请这位有名的学者。
- Yes, I want to be a famous scholar. 有,我想当一名出色的学者。
- He is a famous scholar in this province. 他是这个省的著名学者。
- His supervisor Mr. Li can be rated as a famous scholar. 他的导师李老先生,堪称一代名儒。
- Ibn Arabin was a very famous scholar in Islamic history and a Sufi Sheih. 伊本·阿拉比是伊斯兰教历史上一位非常著名的学者,苏非派长老。
- I want to be a famous scholar. 我想当一名出色的学者。
- Mencius was the most famous scholar of the Confucian School after Confucius. 孟子是我国古代继孔子之后最著名的儒家学者。
- Doctor Ding Yi-zhuang is the famous scholar in the filed of oral history. 摘要定宜庄博士是一个做满族口述史成果丰富的学者。
- Yu Qiuyu is a famous scholar in China, artistic theoretician and essay writer. 中国著名文化学者,艺术理论家和散文作家。
- There was a famous scholar who studied bitterly and who stuck an awl in his calf when he fell asleep while studying at night. 有一个实行苦学的著名学者,有一次在夜间读书的时候打盹,便拿锥子在股上一刺。
- Cai Wenji was the daughter of Cai Yong, a famous scholar and official of Eastern Han. 蔡文姬是东汉著名学者、宰相(我记得是宰相,历史学的不好,大家对付下吧)蔡勇的女儿。
- Korean famous scholar Ding Ruo-yong(1762-1836) was a thinker with critical spirit. 韩国著名学者丁若镛(1762-1836)是一位具有批判精神的思想家。
- Daizhen was the famous scholar and distinguished thinker in China in the 18th century. 戴震是我国 18世纪的著名学者和杰出的思想家。
- Jiao Hong was a famous scholar,thinker,essayist and bibliophile in Ming Dynasty. 焦是明代南京著名的学者、思想家、文章家、藏书家。
- His father JiZhou shizhong, lee ge fei county, a famous scholar and qilu essayist. 其父李格非,北宋齐州历城县人,齐鲁著名学者、散文家。
- For this question, we should thank Leibnitz, a world famous scholar and leading mathematician. 这一问题我们还得感谢世界著名学者、数学泰斗德国的莱布尼茨。
- There was one famous scholar, Yan ruoqu, who had been troubled with stammer since he was young in Qing Dynasty. 清朝学者阎若璩自幼口吃,“入小学,读书千遍犹未熟”,遭到同学耻笑。