- Crazy English is very famous at home and abroad. 疯狂英语在国内上都很有名。
- He was very famous at home and abroad. 他在国内外都很有名。
- The oyster omelet is very famous at this vendor. 这家店的蚵仔煎很著名。
- I meant to flash my work upon the world with crushing effect, -to became famous at a blow. 我想以压倒一切的效果把我的工作公诸于世,使我一举成名。
- Master has long been famous at the local vets office because of Her concern for Her animals. 师父对她的动物们的关怀已经在兽医那里出名很久了。
- Portugal also famous at leather products besides its wine. The local leather shop in Sintra. 除了葡萄酒,葡萄牙也著名于它的皮革产品。辛特拉当地的皮革商店。
- My father has a little bit famous at local,although I didn't get any educate,maybe has some edify or heredity! 我父亲是个当地小有名气的画家,我虽说没接触过训练,也许还是受这方面的熏陶或遗传吧!
- Casting a long history and precision worthy of the casting process so that Botou casting famous at home and abroad. 悠久的铸造历史和精堪的铸造工艺使泊头铸造名扬海内外。
- He created more than 10,000 clay figurines in ten years of hard work, and his unique handicrafts became famous at home and abroad. 经过数十年的辛勤努力,一生中创作了一万多件作品。他的艺术独具一格而蜚声四海
- In the past 10 years, Weingarten cast their stable quality, good reputation and advanced management and famous at home and abroad cast in the sector. 凯腾精铸是引进国内外先进硅溶胶制壳工艺,硅溶胶复合工艺,用熔模铸造方法生产精密铸件的企业主之一。
- Mao A-Min She is very very famous at China when I was young. Even now she is still famous in Hong Kong, she has so many famous songs. 许多朋友应该知道她,因为她太有名了,甚至她红遍香港。
- Ranz: So being popular in Taiwan, which other region is your band famous at? Oris it different region cater to your drama too? 除了在台湾那么有名,你们还在哪些地区为人所知?或者是不是在其他地方你们获得的待遇不同?
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。
- It is necessary that he be sent there at once. 有必要马上派他到那里去。
- She is always so surly; she never smiles at anyone. 她总是那麽个坏脾气,对谁也没有一个笑脸。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- As early as the Song, Yuan era of Ciye Germany has been famous at home and abroad, with Jingdezhen in Jiangxi, Hunan Liling and called China's "porcelain are three. 早在宋、元时代德化瓷业已扬名海内外,曾与江西景德镇、湖南醴陵并称为中国"三大瓷都"。