- My health records are at my family physician's office. 我的健康纪录都在我家庭医师的办公室里。
- Jacques is falling apart; his family physician sent him to a head shrinker. 雅克的精神要崩溃了,他的家庭医生把他送往精神病医生那儿去接受治疗。
- Then I'll phone our family physician and make an appointment for you. 那我会打电话给我们的家庭医生替你约个时间看
- Noah Townsend was fully up to the occasion, the epitome of a seasoned family physician. 诺亚·汤森特那天不负重托,全然一副恰值盛年的医生的派头。
- Joseph R.DiFranza is a family physician practicing out of the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester. 迪弗兰萨是一位家医科医师,出身美国麻州大学医学院渥斯特分校。
- Our family physician was a kind but gruff old bird, and I didn’t know what to think about him. 我们的家庭医生是一位有着粗哑嗓音的老男人,我真说不清楚他在我心中是个什么样的人。
- For more information about early puberty, talk to your pediatrician or a family physician. 要了解更多青春期提前的信息,可以向儿科医生或家庭内科医生咨询。
- Had his illness been at all serious, I should have telegraphed immediately for the family physician. 如果他病情严重,我早已立刻打电报给家庭医药顾问了。”
- However, CMDs' comprehension level of family physician integrated care system was low. 但家庭医师制度相关政策的认知程度较低。
- Getting professional counseling from a mental health worker, psychologist, or family physician can give you the strength to break away from a codependent relationship, Baron says. Baron说,从精神健康人员,心理学家或医生那里获得专业咨询,这会让你获得破除相互依赖关系的力量。
- From this research, and my clinical observations as a family physician, I found that it is possible to walk your way to better health, a trimmer body and a longer life -- no matter what your age. 经过研究,以及在从事家庭保健医生工作中的临床观察,我发现,无论年龄大小,散步都能健身瘦身,延年益寿。
- But that information is also effective in convincing smokers to quit, said Gary Parkes, a family physician in Hertfordshire outside London, who led the study published in the British Medical Journal. Gary Parkes是Hertfordshire的一个家庭医生,他是在英国医疗杂志上发表的这个研究的组织者,他说,传递这个信息给患者对让他们想戒烟是很有效的。
- Also, if your family physician has not referred you to a specialist, ask for a referral or contact The Leukemia &Lymphoma Society for information about cancer treatment in your area. 另外,如果你的家庭医生没有把你转诊到专家那里,那么你可以要求转诊,或者与白血病和淋巴瘤学会联系,以获取你所在地区癌症治疗方面的相关信息。
- The American Academy of Family Physicians has more about sleep apnea. 美国家庭医师协会提供更多关于睡眠呼吸暂停的信息。
- Members participated in the family physician intergraded trial plan knew this program well and got the information from primary physicians. 知道家庭医师试办计划之民众和得知该计划是透过诊所医师的民众,较易加入家医会员。
- She only unbends in the family circle. 她只在家庭环境里才不拘束。
- To learn more about the benefits of exercise, visit the American Academy of Family Physicians. 欲知更多有关运动带来的好处,请浏览美国家庭医师医学会。
- The American Academy of Family Physicians says most children stop sucking their thumb by the age of four. 美国家庭医生学会说大多数儿童四岁的时候就会停止吮吸他们的拇指。
- He's inconsiderate to his family. 他不体谅他的家人。
- Dr Paul Lam, a family physician in Sydney, 保罗,拉穆医生