- A diagram showing a family lineage; a family tree. 宗谱一个显示家庭后裔情况的图表
- A list of ancestors; a family tree. 家谱祖先录; 家族树
- I can not trace my family tree back farther than my great-grand parents. 我无法把我的家谱追溯到我曾祖父母以前。
- He walks as if balance the family tree on his nose. 他仿佛把族谱放在鼻子上保持着平衡似地走路。
- Many a family tree needs trimming. 不少族谱得要修剪修剪。
- It grew on a venerable and venerated family tree. 它长在一棵历史悠久、受人尊敬的“家族树”上。
- How far back can you trace your family tree? 你的家谱可以追溯到多少代?
- Make a family tree for your family. 给你的家做一个家谱。
- Have you ever seen your family tree? 你看过你们家的家谱吗?
- He often tells us his family tree. 他经常给我们讲他的家谱。
- Always have an up-to-date family tree. 总是要有一个更新的家庭成员关系图谱。
- Her family tree back to the 16th century. 她追溯自己的祖先至16世纪。
- His family tree stretches Back for years. 他的家谱延续了好几代。
- Apes branched from man's family tree. 猿出自人类族系。
- Draw your own family tree and then write a passage about it. 画出你的家谱,并围绕它写一段话。
- She could trace her family tree back to the 16th century. 她能把本族家谱追溯到16世纪。
- Instances to represent the relationships in the family tree. 实例表示家庭树中的关系。
- If you belong to this family tree, can you do your utmost? 如果你是这族谱的成员之一,你是否也能尽你最大的努力?
- Dr Pagel studied 122 family trees this way. 佩格尔博士用这种方式研究了122个科的树种。
- I could trace my family tree back to roots in Italy. 我可以追溯我的家族起源到意大利。